minors forced to prostitute themselves?


The fate of migrants stranded at the Franco-Italian border is a matter of recent months. Last June, a report by the Comptroller General of places of deprivation of liberty denounced the actions of the French police against them while the number of smugglers arrested in the region, 350 for the simple year 2017, continues to increase. 19659002] Lately, it is the NGO Save the Children which alerts of a new drift. According to their report, which is only available in Italy, many migrant minors from sub-Saharan Africa have to prostitute themselves to enter French territory. For 20 Minutes which takes the outline of this work, the latter can thus pay the "50 to 150 euros required by drivers to take them on board."

160 children

"This are very young and particularly at risk girls, who are among the invisible stream of unaccompanied migrants in transit on the northern border of Italy hoping to find their relatives in other European countries "says Raffaela Milano, Italy-Europe director of Save the Children, interviewed by Guardian . It also states that "children and teenagers fall into unscrupulous networks of exploiters."

Thus, in the space of a few months, from January 2017 to March 2018, nearly 1,900 minors were badually exploited. Of these, 160 are still considered as children.

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