Mont-de-Marsan: follow the last bullfight of the Madeleine live



Octavio Chacon begins his faena against a distracted and hopping toro who often looks at him. Despite all the work of the matador, it starts badly …


Back on the track of Octavio Chacon, left hand bandaged, to face the fourth Dolores Aguirre.

And during that time, in Tyrosse …

Baptiste Bordes #Tyrosse #defideslegendes @Datilelbayo

] – Marion Paraillous (@Paraillous) July 22, 2018

Another toro manso. Well presented, pretty, but the temperament is not there.

"Hatred is absent from a bullfight, there is only fear and love … And Joe Dbadin" # Madeleine2018 ud83d udda35 cc @Enthoven_R [19659014]

– Gael Arcuset (@GaelArcuset) July 22, 2018

Lord, two cut tendons, takes him to the hood and shows all his technique.

Octavio Chacon returns to the arena for his second toro. With the bandaged hand following his injury during his first fight # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

But this toro there is no better than the previous ones. The three spades do not reveal it either …


Juan Leal brinde his toro to the public of Plumaçon and begins knees, full center track. A good series, the toro pbades. On the right, it is rather good, even if the danger is never far away.

 Juan Leal, on his knees at the beginning of his faena
Juan Leal, on his knees at the beginning of his faena

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

The introduction to @JuanlealJuan in the heart of Plumaçon pleases the public # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

 Juan Leal on his knees The beginning of his faena
Juan Leal on his knees at the beginning of his faena

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

Moreover, the French is caught, raised by the toro. But the horn has not returned. Juan Leal resumes.

Back to the callejon @octaviochaconof and its 2 tendons sectionned # Madeleine2018 #Montdemarsan #plumacon

– France3 Aquitaine (@ F3Aquitaine) July 22, 2018

The bullfighter shows all his courage, facing a dangerous animal, which touches him several times, in the cradle of the horns.

The toro just sent waltz @JuanlealJuan who gets away without scratching. # Madeleine2018 (no, I do not have the picture!)

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018 [19659029] Juan Leal facing his first ” src=””/>

Juan Leal facing his first

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

@JuanlealJuan is impressive. He provokes the toro, the search, the tanse, the control # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

Hailed by the public, Juan Leal sets himself up for the killing. He pinches the first and second attempts, despite a strong commitment. After other failures, he finally succeeds in the thrust.


The third Dolores, for Juan Leal, is much more mbadive than the first two. But it seems as manso as his brothers …

Here is Cigarrero, the third Dolores Aguirre to leave. He is for @JuanlealJuan # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

The toro makes the horse fall but escapes right away, on the first spade.

Octavio Chacon, left hand stitched, is back on track.

Same fugitive behavior for the third toro Dolores Aguirre as the first. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

Beautiful pair of banderillas from Manolo de los Reyes, which must jump from above the boards.

@JuanlealJuan watch closely how his toro evolves in front of his peons and banderilleros # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018


Pepe Moral brinde his first faena of the day to the public of Mont-de-Marsan. While the toro roars and falls, the matador signs a first series against a manso and uncertain opponent. He flees the muleta and seeks the querencia. The matador insists nevertheless. And sign a beautiful sword, well placed. But the toro did not transmit enough to hope for a trophy.

The toro is running away. Not easy for Pepe Moral, track # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

And meanwhile, at Tyrosse, Palha versus Miura. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

And meanwhile, in Tyrosse, Palha versus Miura. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

MONT-DE-MARSAN | Fuerte ovación para @PPMoral ante a toro sin raza, con el que el palaciego tuvo que poner todo, estando muy por encima del manso de @GDoloresAguirre . Estocada. #NaturalEterno

– PRENSA PEPE MORAL (@PepeMoraltorero) July 22, 2018


The second Dolores Aguirre does not indulge in cape, like the previous one. But he does not seem to have the same nobility as the previous one. On the other hand, he remains under the horse, without really pushing either.

Here we go for Pepe Moral's first toro! # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

Note that, as is the tradition now in Mont-de-Mars Marsan, for the torista bullfight of the Sunday, there is only one horse on the track, so as to charge the toros from afar. When they are able of course …

Last corrida of the celebrations of the Madeleine 2018! 83dcdbcdbcdbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc 19659012] The toro is not really interested in what happens on the track. Not at all. It does not settle and the banderilleros must use all their experience to do their work.

Meanwhile, at the microphone of France Bleu Gascogne, Pierre-Albert Blain gives news of the hand of Octavio Chacon, deeply cut during the killing of the previous one: two tendons are affected. The arena surgeon is treating him.


Like Juan Bautista and Thomas Dufau on Friday, Octavio Chacon dedicates his toro to Richard Milian

He starts his work with doblones and quickly makes a good series with a change of hands.

End of a pbad @octaviochaconof which says a lot about his courage in the face of this complicated toro. # Madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

The toro has kept its nobility. He is solid but the matador too. Well in place, he signs a beautiful faena. Musica!

The toro constantly looks at the pedestrian, shows himself more dangerous, especially on the left, where nothing pbades.

The plumaçon loves. @octaviochaconof # madeleine2018

– Emmanuelle Pédezert (@ EmmaP2R) July 22, 2018

Surprising Burgales! Octavio Chacon does not let go! # madeleine2018

– Ludivine Tachon (@Lupeperiot) July 22, 2018

Octavio Chacon places his toro in front of the toril for the killing . He pinches his first attempt and cuts himself deeply in the left hand. A pbadage to the infirmary is required. But first, he succeeds his second blow.

Heroic Octavio Chacon, hand-wounded, in front of Dolores Aguirre's formidable 1st toro # Madeleine2018 #montdemarsan #plumacon #ovation

– France3 Aquitaine (@ F3Aquitaine) July 22, 2018

It ends well a nice work, very complete, to all tercios. But the petition does not have a majority. He will not cut an ear that may have been deserved. It is nevertheless a vuelta.

Vuelta for Octavio Chacon against 1st Dolores Aguirre, violent and with uncertain charges. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

Vuelta for @octaviochaconof model in the lidia of a colorado manso y difícil al that robo tandas de mucho mérito. Pasa to the hermitage por ser herida in the mano izquierda. Ojala that vuelva.

– marc lavie (@marclavie) July 22, 2018


The first Dolores is on track. Red and reserved. Carreman manso. He refuses to go into Octavio Chacon's cloak.

There is no shortage of nobility but totally disinterested in the horse. He does not want to load and ends up taking two small spades, escaping from contact.

 The first toro of tarde
The first toro of tarde

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

Octavio Chacon replaces his picador and this time the toro will load and push on a horn. He then tries to test it on a quite. He puts it back again for the spades but this tercio will not have allowed him to reveal himself.

 The first toro of tarde
The first toro of tarde

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

As in the cape, the second tercio, the toro seeks to take refuge near the toril.

 The first toro of tarde
The first toro of tarde

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

 The first toro with banderillas
The first toro with banderillas

Credit photo: Karen Bertail

18 hours

Last paseo de la Madeleine 2018, in the arena of Plumaçon in Mont-de-Marsan. Octavio Chacon, Pepe Moral (chosen by the Montois aficionados) and Juan Leal parade this Sunday evening. They will face a very serious lot of Dolores Aguirre. One thing is certain, with this iron there, the show will be radically different from that of the day before, when Enrique Ponce and Sebastian Castella went out to hombros, after having fought the Nuñez del Cuvillo.

Sorteo of the day and Alain Bonijol's horses. The corrida of Dolores Aguirre for Octavio Chacon, Pepe Moral and Juan Leal starts at 18 hours at Plumaçon. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

 The iron of Dolores Aguirre on the sand of Plumaçon.
Dolores Aguirre iron on the sand of Plumaçon

Photo credit: Karen Bertail

The three bullfighters are there. There are fewer "fans" on the patio than for the figuras … # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

The three matadors parade bareheaded: they all make their first appearance in these arenas for a bullfight.

Chacon, Moral and Leal parade monteras by hand. Rare to see 3 bullfighters present themselves in an arena during the same bullfight. # Madeleine2018

– Benjamin Ferret (@BenjaminFerret) July 22, 2018

 The ruedo montois this sunday evening.
ruedo montois this sunday evening.

Photo credit: Emmanuelle Pédezert

The arena is full, to a few places, for the fourth consecutive time.

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