more than 220 dead in ISIS attacks in the south of the country


The province of Soueida is particularly the target of suicide attacks, causing one of the heaviest balances since the beginning of the war.

More than 220 people were killed Wednesday in the series of attacks claimed by the Islamic State (IS) jihadist organization in southern Syria, according to a provisional record of the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH).

"The record of attacks rose to at least 221 dead, including 127 civilians killed mostly in the north [de la province de Soueida] where we found bodies of civilians executed at home " told AFP the Director of the OSDH Rami Abdel Rahman, who said fear an even heavier balance sheet

The badault on several villages coupled with attacks took place in the province of Soueida, totally controlled by the regime of Bashar al-Assad. ISIS jihadists are present in a desert area in the northeast of this region.

Four suicide bombers in Soueida

According to the official Syrian media, the regime's forces launched a counter-attack to repel jihadists . At the same time, air raids targeted the extremist group that seized three villages in the morning, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (OSDH) reported.

See also:
                In southern Syria, the last-minute rescue of "white helmets"

After fighting, the regime's forces took over the three villages, according to the OSDH. "The jihadists were forced to retreat to the desert" told AFP the director of the OSDH, Rami Abdel Rahman

In the early hours of the day, "four kamikazes detonated their explosive belts in the city of Soueida " capital of the province of the same name, according to Mr. Abdel Rahman.

Other suicide bombers have carried out attacks in villages in the north-east of the province before the jihadists stormed them, he added.

In the villages, "the jihadists (…) killed people in their homes" a- he continued. "Some people who fled the badault returned to the villages recaptured [par le régime] and found inhabitants killed at home" said late afternoon Mr. Abdel Rahman.

a statement issued on Telegram, the IS said that its fighters had launched attacks mainly against the regime's positions in the province.

Puddles of blood

For their part, the official agency SANA and television State confirmed victims in attacks in Soueida, without giving an accurate badessment.

"Army units launched a counterattack [pour repousser] Daesh terrorists" reported state television using an Arabic acronym for ISIS

Strikes have at the same time targeted jihadists, said Abdel Rahman, reporting 38 deaths among IS fighters, including seven suicide bombers.

Diffuse images by the official Syrian media after the attacks show a corpse near a wall destroyed in the city of Soueida, as well as vegetables spread on the ground in the middle of blood puddles.

"The United Nations condemns the Attacks against civilians " in Soueida, said in a statement the UN humanitarian coordinator in Syria, Ali Zaatari.

" This new criminal act of the IS confirms the need for a coordination of the efforts of the international community to eradicate this universal evil on Syrian soil " reacted, for its part, the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

These attacks were carried out while the regime is seeking to resume entirely the provinces close to Deraa and Qouneitra, more than 90% controlled by the power

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