more than 500 hikers including about thirty French people stranded after an earthquake in Lombok


A magnitude 6.4 earthquake caused landslides and mudslides. Relief operations will last until Tuesday.

Five hundred and sixty hikers and their guides are stranded on Monday, July 30, on Mount Rinjani (Indonesia). Among them are about thirty French, according to the correspondent of Franceinfo from a source of the Indonesian National Disaster Management Agency. This volcano, located on l 'Lombok Island was the scene of a powerful earthquake of magnitude 6.4 sunday.

Helicopters and foot rescue teams were deployed to evacuate hikers stranded by landslides. According to the evacuation plan of the authorities, the operations should last at least until Tuesday.

Mount Rinjani, which rises to 3,726 meters above sea level, is Indonesia's second largest volcano. I is very popular for its hiking sites and magnificent views to the summit. The earthquake, which destroyed hundreds of buildings, caused falls of tons of stones and mud.

The earthquake, which killed sixteen people, occurred fifty kilometers northeast of Mataram, the main city of Lombok. This island is a hundred kilometers east of the island of Bali, also very touristy.

Indonesia is on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area of ​​high seismic activity. This country is regularly struck by many earthquakes, but most of them are not dangerous.

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