Muriel Robin upsetting in the first images of her interpretation of Jacqueline Sauvage


In September, TF1 will broadcast a series on the Jacqueline Sauvage affair. It is Muriel Robin who interprets the widow-murderer. A composition role whose first images – shocking – have just been unveiled.

December 2016. Interviewed on the RTL airwaves on the presidential pardon signed by François Hollande for Jacqueline Sauvage Muriel Robin withdrew her humorist mask while answering the questions of the radio journalist. As one of the artists who had campaigned for the liberation of this woman accused of killing her husband after years of domestic violence, Pierre Palmade's friend was to give his opinion on the possibility of an adaptation. cinematographic of this fact which had punctuated French news for many months. "It's a strong role, ," she said, but I'm not sure there's a movie to be made. A year later, Yves Renier knocked on the doors of TF1 and proposed to make a TV movie with the role of Jacqueline Sauvage … Muriel Robin! Already in 2006, the humorist had dared to interpret another killer in Marie Besnard, the poisoner . A role that earned her the Emmy Award for best actress in a dramatic drama that year.

>>> VIDEO Muriel Robin admits to having no news from Laeticia Hallyday

Announced as one of "Events of the return" on TF1, Jacqueline Sauvage, I just wanted it to stop has just unveiled a little more on the Twitter feed of the first channel via its trailer. A few seconds of video where we discover a Muriel Robin unrecognizable, metamorphosed into a woman with swollen face or widow with a hard look at her trial. A role of composition in which we know how much the actress excels. To see more, we will have to wait until the month of September and the date of diffusion of the telefilm!

#JacquelineSauvage The business which upset France
will be one of the events returned from @ TF1 @MurielRobinCOM #OlivierMarchal #AlixFish #ArmelleDeutsch @clementmanuel @yves_renier
An exceptional performance to discover soon!

– TF1 Pro (@ TF1Pro) July 11, 2018

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