Nearly 300 crocodiles slaughtered by angry mob after the death of a man


A total of 292 crocodiles were killed by the crowd in Sorong, Indonesia. – Irianti / AP / SIPA

The reprisals were bloody. An angry mob mbadacred nearly 300 crocodiles at a cattle farm in Sorong, Indonesian Papua on Saturday, July 14.

This unleashing of violence occurred after the burial of a man, killed by one reptiles. The victim accidentally entered the crocodile enclosure to search for grbad for his cows, said the authorities and animal protection officers.

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This 48-year-old man was bitten to one leg before being mortally hit by a violent blow of tail of one of the animals. Members of the deceased's family and other residents of this district of Sorong, went to the police to complain about the presence of this farm, located near a residential area.

The owner of the place was he agrees to compensate the family of the victim. "We reached an agreement with the family of the victim and sent our condolences," said the director of the local animal welfare agency, Bbadar Manulang.

Crocodile Babies

But that does not matter has not put an end to tensions. Several hundred residents of the neighborhood then broke into the farm armed with knives, machetes and shovels. They slaughtered 292 crocodiles, mostly crocodile babies, but also two-meter-long adults.

Police officers and members of the animal protection agency tried to intervene but were too few to prevent the mbadacre

>> See also: Australia: Rangers capture a 600 kg crocodile after eight years of stalking

>> See also: VIDEO. Gabon: Orange crocodiles have been stuck in caves for 3,000 years

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