Nearly 400 White Helmets stranded in southern Syria (rescuers)


Beirut – Nearly 400 White Helmets are still stranded in southern Syria in the aftermath of Israeli-orchestrated evacuations, two of these rescuers told AFP on Monday, who are worried about what the regime could do for them. .

" We call on the parties concerned to help us out " of southern Syria, told AFP César, 23, a volunteer from the White Helmets press team city ​​of Deraa.

Israel announced Sunday the evacuation to Jordan of hundreds of White Helmets and their families, in a secret operation at the request of Western countries ready to welcome these world-famous rescuers for their operations in rebel areas.

A total of 422 evacuees in the night from Saturday to Sunday had arrived in Jordan, according to Amman.

Eventually, they must be hosted in Britain, Germany, Canada or France, which badured Monday that it " would take his part " in the reception of these men whose work earned them the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016.

According to César, nearly 400 White Helmets are still trapped in the southern provinces of Deraa and Qouneitra.

– " Criminal Operation " –

In these areas near the part of the Golan Heights occupied by Israel, the Damascus regime has now taken over almost all the rebel territories at the end of murderous offensives and surrender agreements.

Caesar told AFP that he had learned " by chance ", a few days ago, the existence of a White Helmets evacuation plan but when he tried to register, officials told him that there was no room.

" A meeting on our fate was held today (Monday) and we were informed that the efforts had failed ," he lamented.

" The exit via Israel only worsened the situation ," he added. " There is now fear of the reaction of the regime and Russia ", an ally of Syrian power.

The regime of Bashar al-Assad, which regularly accuses the White Helmets of being linked to jihadist groups, on Monday lambasted the evacuations led by Israel as a " criminal operation ".

In a statement, Russian diplomacy also denounced the evacuations.

" It is symbolic that the White Helmets have preferred, thanks to foreign support, to flee Syria by thus revealing their true nature and showing to the world their hypocrisy (…), of what funding they depend and from whom they fulfill the orders ", indicates this text.

– " No clemency " –

Questioned by AFP by telephone, Emad, another rescuer stuck in the south, badured: " We do not know what we expected ".

" When the regime catches someone, he is lost, we do not know where he is going … there is no clemency ", explained this young 20-year-old volunteer based in Jubata al-Khachab, a rebellious locality of Quneitra still waiting to pbad under the regime's cup.

Emad also reported that a meeting was held Monday in Amman on the fate of the White Helmets. According to him, it emerged that the only option possible was for the rescuers still in the south, to go to the north of Syria, a rebel zone.

The so-called " Reconciliation Agreements " negotiated by Moscow generally provide for the departure of combatants and civilians to the insurgent territories of northern Syria who refuse to live in government territory.

" But, said Emad, there is no road to get us to the buses that would then take us to the north ".

The conflict that has been tearing Syria apart since 2011 has left more than 350,000 dead and millions displaced and refugees.

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