Netflix beat HBO for the first time at nominations for Emmy Awards


112 to 108 … A symbol for the world of American television.

Just five years ago, Netflix won his first Emmys nomination for his first original series, House of Cards . Today, the political series is not even in contention (since the season 6 was not broadcast in time), but this did not prevent the streaming giant to continue its ascent. Netflix even crossed a new one, beating HBO for the first time and becoming the most represented broadcaster this year, at Emmy Awards 2018 thus breaking the the reign of HBO 17 years of age!

Netflix compiles indeed 112 nominations for this 70th edition, against 108 for HBO (last year, HBO was ahead Netflix 111 to 91). A change of leadership rich in symbols, notes Variety, as was the takeover of HBO in the early 2000s, when the pay channel doubled the free channel NBC, then queen historical Emmy Awards. The Networks were then overtaken by the Premium, itself in turn exceeded by the Streaming …

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In detail, it is thanks to its multitude of programs ( Godless, The Crown, Stranger Thing, Seven Seconds or GLOW ) that the platform is a solid case. : " I am very pleased that our nominations are divided between 40 different shows " said Vice President Ted Sarandos in Variety, who congratulates and thanks HBO for having " placed the bar high. "

In this remote war, the pay-TV resists thanks to two behemoths: Game of Thrones is the most named series, with 22 nominations and Westworld follows just behind with 21 nominations. In comparison, for Netflix, The Crown has "only" 13, followed by Godless and Stranger Things with 12 each.

Finally, note that this duel Netflix HBO crushes everything in its path, since the two giants have 220 combined nominations … as much as the following five competitors: NBC (78), FX (50), CBS (34), ABC (31) and Hulu (27)!

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