Netflix launches a production studio in Madrid


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Netflix continues its international development. The online video service announced this week the creation in Madrid of its first production studio in Europe. This new 22,000 m2 production site will be located in the brand new "ciudad de la tele" (television town), in Tres Cantos, in the northern suburbs of Madrid. Owned by the Spanish audiovisual group Grupo Secuoya, which has an agreement with Netflix, it should be completed by the end of 2018.

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Netflix highlights Spain's "innovative creative tradition" and its "dedication to creating original content across Europe". Twenty Netflix programs must be produced in Spain in 2018.

The cardboard of "La Casa de Papel"

The choice of Spanish capital is not trivial, while the Spanish series "La Casa de Papel" is a hit year abroad. In the United States, it was even the most-watched online series some days in the spring. Originally broadcast on the Spanish channel Antena 3, this fiction about the robbery of the Mint in Madrid was bought by Netflix, who will produce the third season alone.

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But Netflix already anticipates the sequel. On Tuesday, the online video platform, which now has 130 million subscribers worldwide, announced the launch of "Elite" in the fall. Three of the main actors of "La Casa de Papel", Maria Pedraza, Miguel Herran and Jaime Lorente, will also be on the line of this new series.

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