New Israeli raids on Gaza and Palestinian gunfire on Israel


New Raids Israel on Gaza and Palestinian fire on Israel
AFP / File
/ Mahmud Hams

Israel conducted a new round of air strikes on Saturday afternoon in the Gaza Strip after an overnight confrontation with the Islamist Hamas movement that controls the Palestinian enclave.

These raids, which Palestinian response to Israel came in the aftermath of clashes on the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, where two Palestinians were killed and more than 200 wounded by Israeli forces. An Israeli soldier was also injured.

The Israeli army said in a statement that it was "hitting terrorist targets" in the Gaza Strip, without giving any further details.

Security sources say Palestinians and witnesses, Israeli fighters attacked Hamas targets throughout the enclave early Saturday afternoon, without causing injuries.

According to the same sources, rockets were fired and mortar shells were fired at Israel from the Palestinian territory, as had been the case at night during Israel's first series of raids.

Mermaids in Israel

The Army Israel said that the sirens warning civilians to go to the shelters were sounding Saturday in all Israeli areas bordering the Gaza Strip.

In the early hours of Saturday, the Israeli army reportedly carried out night raids against Hamas targets, including two tunnels and a training camp, in response to "acts of terror during the violent riots that took place. took place along the security fence "Friday.

This" is in addition to daily attacks on Israeli territory via the launching of incendiary balloons from the Gaza Strip, "she added.

witnesses in the Gaza Strip, strikes did not injure but damaged Hamas infrastructure.

About 30 rocket and mortar shells fired into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip took place almost simultaneously with the raids, said the army.

These shots did not cause injury or damage, according to Israeli media.

Since 30 March, the Palestinian enclave has been the scene of demonstrations against the Israeli blockade and for the right of return of the Palestinians to the lands from which they were driven or fled to the creation of Israel, in 1948.

At least 141 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli gunfire since the beginning of the demonstrations.

"Response of the Resistance"

Demonstrations at the border were peppered with violence Friday. According to the Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza, a 15-year-old boy was killed and 220 other Palestinians were injured by Israeli gunfire.

Another 20-year-old demonstrator who was seriously wounded on Friday died of his wounds on Saturday, the source said.

According to the Israeli army, grenades, explosive devices, molotov badtails, burning tires and stones were thrown at Israeli soldiers, one of whom was wounded.

Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum claimed responsibility for shooting at Israel in at night explaining in a statement that it was an "immediate response from the resistance" to Israeli raids.

Israel, accused of excessive use of force during border demonstrations, says it is a last resort to protect its soldiers and civilian population. He accuses Hamas of using the protest to cover attacks on soldiers and attempts to infiltrate Israel.

Israel and Hamas have waged three wars since 2008 and since 2014 have observed a ceasefire

At the end of May, Israeli forces and Palestinian armed groups in the Gaza Strip had experienced their most severe confrontation since the 2014 war.

The Israeli army said that it had hit 65 Hamas military positions. in the enclave in retaliation for the firing of a hundred rockets and mortar shells against its territory.

14/07/2018 13:51:57 –
Gaza (Palestinian Territories) (AFP) –
© 2018 AFP

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