New track in the bones puzzle of the Vatican Embassy


The human remains, potentially the same for different people, do not belong to a woman, where they were returned to four listeners who believe that the gardener's home salute, an annex to the Embbady.

Or, in the mid-1960s, a couple of rapper guardians notoriously conflicted and lived, because of the growing disparity of the wife, releasing Italian newspapers, fascinated by the soap opera.

After the APSA, the body was charged with administering the Vatican property. The surveyors were currently following all the work done in this building. It was there that I started to understand the employers who occupied the sites.

The fact remains that Emanuela Orlandi (son of a Vatican employee) and Mirella Gregori, aged 15, who have not known her for at least 35 years, have not changed the situation.

Various mistakes are made on the basis of the Italian chronicle, on the depth of the conspiracy theory, involving the pragre and the Vatican.

Much awaited scientific badyzes are underway to see if the DNA of bones could correspond to celui girls.

Emanuela Orlandi, a resident of Vatican City, was last seen on June 22, 1983 and was introduced to music.

Mirella Gregori had fired 40 days in a row. According to her mother, the youngest daughter had already phoned on the phone, telling her parents that she was living with a chamberlain and that she would talk to him briefly before going home.

A residence with a troubled past

The Apostolic Nunciature of Dream (Vatican Embbady in Italy), surrounded by a large park, donated to Holy See in 1949 for a businessman and coach, who was enrolled in the Fascist National Party (PNF) in 1925 Before the promulgation of racial laws in Italy, it was perhaps Catholicism.

Several troubling coincidences, reported Friday in Italian newspapers, leading to this villa Giorgina located at 29 Po Street.

The truth is that Mirella Gregori's family was not in the neighborhood because she also had a bar, she was the sister of the shoot.

Especially, important member of a gang of criminals, regularly badociated with the disappearance of Emanuela Orlandi, inhabited at number 25 of Po Street, not far from the embbady, ​​between 1983 and 1985. L & # 39; Man, Giuseppe Scimone, this decade 12 years ago.

In 2012, in a basilica in Rome, the parquet floor of Rome had revealed its green light, in the tomb of Enrico de Pedis, former head of the Magliana bandeira, who had terrorized Rome in the seventies. 1980 The volume is contained in the same way that the sword of the man was in 1990 in a ritual of accounts.

The burial of the "boss", he happened to be the mafia, the Masonic logic of the P2 and the sectarian of the finances of the Vatican, he had already transferred the same year to the basilica, rare privileged establishment for Priest who l 39; had known in prison.

An ex-evil mistress had backed the investigators that Enrico de Pedis had already focused on the young man, but he had not been able to hit the concrete. She also talked about the involvement in the expansion of the sound of the collaborator Giuseppe Scimone.

As a result, the criminal group raised the teenager's aura in order to recover a happy birthday from the former president of the Vatican Bank (IOR), Paul Marcinkus.

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