North Korea: Trump satisfied with start of dismantling


Kansas City (United States) – US President Donald Trump on Tuesday hailed North Korea's dismantling of infrastructure on its main satellite launch base six weeks after its "fantastic" meeting with the leader North Korean Kim Jong Un in Singapore.

" New images today show that North Korea has begun the process of dismantling a major missile site and we are sensitive to it ," said Trump, which referred to satellite images, published by the respected 38 North website of the Sohae Satellite Launch Station, considered as a test site for intercontinental ballistic missiles in Pyongyang.

According to 38 North, these satellite images taken on July 20 and 22 show that a rail-mounted building, in which the rockets were badembled before being placed on the firing point, began to be disbadembled. The dismantling of a test bench for rocket engines to test liquid fuel engines has also begun.

" We had a fantastic meeting with President Kim and everything seems to be going very well ," Trump added, even though the United States has just called on the UN to " full application of sanctions "against North Korea, a reminder to order that illustrates their difficulty in getting real progress on denuclearization.

Sohae, on the northwest coast of North Korea, officially serves to place satellites in orbit. The reactors can, however, easily be adapted to ballistic missiles and the international community accuses North Korea of ​​hiding an arms program behind its space program

Questioned in Palo Alto, California, the head of the American diplomacy Mike Pompeo has judged satellite images of Sohae " totally consistent " with the commitments made by Kim Jong Un in June.

" We asked for inspectors on the ground when this test bed for the reactors will be dismantled, in accordance with the commitments " of the North Korean leader, said M Pompeo at a press conference.

– Returnee Remains " very soon " –

North Korea " must denuclearize completely, that is what President Kim embarked upon and what the world demands "he added, while the Trump administration is criticized for not having obtained the black and white inscription in the final declaration of Singapore a definitive and fully verified" denuclearization " ", the key objective of the Trump-Kim Summit.

On the record, which turns out to be more complicated than expected, the repatriation of the remains of American soldiers who died during the Korean War (1950-53), the American president once again showed optimism.

" We will bring back the remains of your brothers-in-arms who sacrificed their lives in Korea ," said Trump, speaking to a veterans' badociation in Kansas City in Missouri. " I think this process will begin very soon ".

The repatriation of the first remains of American soldiers has been announced as imminent on several occasions since mid-June, but has not yet taken place.

According to the Pentagon, North Korea has indicated that it still has 200 batches of human remains discovered over the years. A first agreement between Washington and Pyongyang allowed the repatriation of 229 batches of remains between 1990 and 2005. But this agreement was suspended when relations between the two countries deteriorated.

More than 35,000 Americans were killed on the Korean peninsula during the war, which ended in an armistice and not a peace treaty. Among them, 7,700 are still considered missing, including 5,300 in North Korea, says the Pentagon.

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