North Korea would hide its nuclear activities to Donald Trump


According to an article in The Washington Post on June 30, North Korea would not be quite honest with the United States on the denuclearization of the peninsula and would try to deceive Washington on the number of warheads nuclear facilities and infrastructure dedicated to the North Korean arsenal.

"Everyone can feel a lot safer today than the first day of my term, and there are no more North Korean nuclear threats" that hangs over the United States. United, congratulated Donald Trump after the historic summit on June 12 with leader Kim Jong-un. The two statesmen had then multiplied the handshakes and other marks of confidence. An badertion that was also endorsed by the dismantling of the North Korean site of Punggye-ri on May 23.

Just landed – a long trip, but everyone can now feel much safer than the day I took office. There is no longer a Nuclear Threat from North Korea. Meeting with Kim Jong was an interesting and very positive experience. North Korea has great potential for the future!

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 13, 2018

"Just arrived – from a long trip, but everyone can feel a lot more safe today as the first day of my mandate There are now no North Korean nuclear threats, meeting Kim Jong-un was an interesting and very positive experience, North Korea has great potential for future! "

Yet the 45th President of the United States may have sold the skin of the bear before killing it. According to an article in the Washington Post published on June 30, North Korea is far from engaging in denuclearization, which was one of the crucial points of the Singapore rally between the tenant of the White House and the North Korean statesman, would even look to "deceive the United States" "on the number of nuclear warheads in the North Korean arsenal and the existence of dedicated infrastructure to the manufacture […] of nuclear bombs " the latter having hitherto been kept secret.

These damning conclusions, which are based on a long-term investigation, emanate from the Defense Intelligence Agency the agency in charge of military intelligence. It echoes the "vagueness" of Kim Jon-un's commitment to the denuclearization of the North Korean peninsula, which took place on June 12 in Singapore. It also joins the perception "more cautious [que celle de Donald Trump] that the experts of North Korea have adopted", since according to them this non-binding commitment is getting closer "promises of North Korean leaders previous years during the last two decades " which parallel " accelerated efforts to secretly manufacture nuclear weapons " reports Washington Post.

Satellite images recorded on June 21 , relayed by the American channel CNN, speak for themselves: North Korea has significantly improved the infrastructure of its Yongbyon nuclear research center, used to produce the fissile material necessary for the development of the nuclear arsenal

The Defense Intelligence Agency came to the conclusion that "the North Korean authorities are investigating the means at their disposal to deceive Washi ngton on the number of nuclear warheads and missiles, as well as on the types and number of their installations " thinking that the United States does not " are unaware of their activities " reports the Washington-based daily. It has been at least a year since "American intelligence estimates that the number of warheads available to North Korea is 65", but the North Korean authorities "

Trump says he trusts Kim Jong Un. And if he's wrong? "I may be wrong, I mean I can stand before you in six months and say, 'Hey I was wrong,'" said Trump, before adding, "I do not know that I'll ever admit that, but I ' ll find some kind of excuse. "

– CNN (@CNN) June 12, 2018

In addition, the Kangson site – twice as large that the Yongbyon site – dedicated to uranium enrichment would be secretly exploited by North Koreans. Steven Erlanger, correspondent of New York Times in an interview with Inrocks stated that "Donald Trump [était] betting that Kim Jong-un [allait] respect his commitments […] he wants to show that he has faith in Kim Jong-un ". Following the meeting, Trump had stated that if it turned out "to have been wrong" to trust Kim Jong-un, he "would not admit it" but "would find an excuse" .

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