Novitchok: Putin denounces "unfounded" accusations


Russian President rejects accusations about new poisoning at Novitchok in England.

In an interview with Fox News, Vladimir Putin claims that London has not provided any evidence in this case. The Russian president on Monday denounced "unfounded accusations" about new poisonings to Novitchok's innervating agent in England, after that of former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal, blamed by London in Moscow.

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"We would like to see documented evidence, but no one gives us any," he said. an English translation of his words.

"Why is it done this way?"

"We only see unfounded accusations, why is this done this way, why should our relationship deteriorate because of that?" He asked.

A British couple was poisoned by Novitok contained in a small bottle and British investigators are trying to determine if the poison comes from the same batch that contaminated Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia.

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The poisoning of the ex-double agent and his daughter had been attributed by London to Moscow, which had denied any implication. The case triggered a serious diplomatic crisis between the Kremlin and Westerners and a wave of cross-border expulsions of diplomats.

The British authorities have invited experts from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) to come this week to take samples, which will be badyzed in the laboratories they have designated.

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