Nuclear agreement: Iran salutes "will to resist" in the United States


Vienna – Tehran's partners in the Iran nuclear deal Friday announced a "political will to resist" in the United States, Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said at the end of the meeting. a meeting in Vienna.

Germany, China, France, Great Britain and Russia, signatories to the agreement to limit the Iranian nuclear program, held talks with the representative of Iran a few weeks after the shattering withdrawal of United States of this international compromise.

" What I found during this meeting is that all members, even the three allies [de Washington: Berlin, Paris et Londres, NDLR] are committed and have the political will to take action and resist the United States "Zarif told a press briefing broadcast by the Iranian news agency Fars.

" This is the first time they show such commitment at this level, but in the future [s’il y a une différence entre] will have to see what they really want to do and what they can do ", said the Iranian minister.

" According to the explanations [reçues aujourd’hui] the methods [pour appliquer les propositions faites à l’Iran] are perfectly feasible and if they continue to demonstrate the political will they have shown today, they will succeed in advancing the things without any problems "he added.

The Europeans, Russia and China on Friday affirmed their willingness to allow Iran to " continue " to export its oil and gas even though Washington wants to stop Iranian crude exports in the framework for reinstating US sanctions against Tehran.

This commitment of the heads of diplomacy of the five powers remaining parties to the Iranian nuclear deal (Germany, China, France, United Kingdom and Russia) is part of a list of eleven goals defined Friday in Vienna during of a meeting with Iran to save this agreement reached in 2015.

After their withdrawal, the United States asked all countries to completely stop their imports of Iranian oil by November 4 if they want to avoid sanctions against Iran that Washington has decided to restore.

On their side, the Europeans, who affirm their attachment to the agreement, dialogue with Iran to try to maintain the adhesion of this country to this pact by which Iran undertakes not to acquire atomic weapon in exchange for lifting international sanctions against him.

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