Old plows. Benjamin Pavard star of the festival: for or against?


The song dedicated to the defender world champion of football, author of an incredible hit, synonymous of goal, during France – Argentina, is resumed in chorus in the alleys of the festival. It annoys or sets the mood, but it leaves no one indifferent

Since the beginning of the Old Plows, a song is in (almost) all mouths. The one dedicated to Benjamin Pavard. The back side of the French team, unknown a few months ago, pbaded to posterity after a monstrous goal against Argentina during the World Cup. For some, it spoils the party a little. For others, it is fully part of it.


"It comes out of nowhere, a bastard strike, we have Benjamin Pavaaaaaard! The hymn to No. 2 of the French team was almost more sung than Just can not get enough during the Depeche Mode concert. Just can not get enough, that's completely the case for some fans, still in blue-white-red colors. "We are the champions, we are the champions …" sung loudly every five minutes, at the four corners of the site. Four days after the victory, the fever has not subsided. A day without end. The fans had their moment. Fans of Depeche Mode and music more generally want theirs.

When Martin Gore ends up singing the ballad Stripped to make the hair stand out, it is left: "Champions of world. " And our little bubble of grace breaks out. Enjoy the silence, understand? If there are festivals where spectators buy their tickets to see bands on stage at the Vieilles Charrues, the public comes mostly, or above all, to party. A big popular fair. Because there is something for everyone.

Old plows, world champions of musical eclecticism! "We are the champions …" STOOOP!



Benjamin Pavard, star of July, would also become the summer tube? Yes ! And that's good ! The trajectory of this football player is so beautiful: unknown in his country a few months ago, he became a national star. A notoriety he owes to an exceptional goal against Argentina, in the round of 16 of the World Cup. The result was a song, rehearsed in chorus by a good part of the festival-goers.

Some will say that it is too much. That these refrains end up annoying us … That they do not have their place in festival. Well of course ! A festival is a thunderbolt, one of the few places where you can scream, at the top of your lungs, everything that goes through your head. And so much the better.

One keeps oneself all year long at work, in college, in high school, at family meals, at the cinema … Here, one can go there. We want to sing the praises of Pavard? Let's go! Those of Kanté or Griezmann? Very good!

While growing up (Good, OK, as I get older), I ended up no longer mixing with improvised singers in soccer jerseys. But it is a time not so distant (Vieilles Charrues 2009) where it would have seemed inconceivable not to sing to the glory of Guingamp players, recent winners of the Coupe de France.

By singing, festival-goers express their happiness, they communicate. Do not let them ruin this pleasure! And we hardly think they can cover the volume balanced by the big speakers of the festival during Depeche Mode or Liam Gallagher … "It comes out of nowhere, a bastard strike, we have Benjamin Pavaaaaaard!


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