Paranoia, Soderbergh's psychological thriller completely shot on the Iphone


In theaters Wednesday, "Paranoïa" (previously titled "Unsane") follows in the footsteps of Sawyer Valentini (played by Claire Foy, Queen Elizabeth of the series "The Crown"). The young woman, living alone, has recently moved to Pennsylvania. She is convinced of being harbaded by a man who drank text and follows her. While she will consult for her anxieties, she will find herself locked in a psychiatric institution and fall on her stalker.

Trailer of Paranoia by Steven Soderbergh

Is his fear founded or does it start delusional? Thriller evoking Hitchbad and Polanski's "Repulsion", "Paranoia" echoes the ongoing debates on consent in male / female relationships, brought to light since the Weinstein affair in Hollywood.

The film is also an uncompromising picture of psychiatry and the health insurance market in the United States, a theme already discussed in Soderbergh's "Side Effects" in 2013 (with Rooney Mara and Catherine Zeta-Jones), before he announces to retire

Back to the cinema

The director of "Erin Brockovich" has since changed his mind but has mainly devoted himself to the series in recent years ("The Knick", on the beginning of surgery with Clive Owen and more recently "Mosaic" with Sharon Stone)

"I got a taste for the realization thanks to The Knick". I think I confused my frustration with the film community with my work as a director. As soon as I recovered, I decided to continue, "he said in February in Berlin, where the film was presented out of competition.

For the one who won at the age of 26 Palme d'Or for his first film, "Sex, Lies and Video" (1989), has long sought to break free from the logic of the studios and has alternated during his career between studio films and more experimental works.

The Iphone, more than a toy?

Turning with an Iphone, the director focused on experimentation seems ready to open a new chapter in his career. "This is a fascinating time to make movies. I would have liked to have such an object when I was 15 years old, "said the 55-year-old American at the Berlinale." It brings you a degree of mastery that is rewarding enough. "

 Paranoia tells the story of a frightened young woman with the idea of ​​being followed who sees herself locked up in a psychiatric institution. " title = "Paranoia tells the story of a young woman frightened at the thought of being followed who sees herself locked up in a psychiatric institution." /> <span clbad=

Paranoia tells the story of a young woman frightened at the idea of ​​being followed who is locked up in a psychiatric institution

© Twentieth Century Fox

Among the advantages mentioned, a short film (two weeks), a narrowed team and a short time between rehearsals and the moment of filming. This process "allowed us to remain soaked in our characters, with fewer restrictions than on a set of filming," added Josh Leonard, one of the actors. "One is forced to be always in the action."

A limited filmic process

Soderbergh recognizes however some flats: the vibrations to which is sensitive the telephone and the depth of field which must be reworked. But overall, it is conquered by this new camera and the quality of the image. "The film had to be visceral, we are so used to a certain aesthetic (with the pictures taken on the phone) that there is an intimacy between the viewer and the image," he says.

On screen, difficult for a profane eye to guess that the thriller was shot at the iPhone: with its dark light inside, its grain sometimes typical of spy cameras and its close-ups on the faces, the film is a brilliant exercise in style, distressing at will.

Soderbergh is not the first to shoot with an Iphone, although he is the most convinced and has already shot a second film in these conditions. Before him, Sean Baker ("The Florida Project") filmed the trip of two transbaduals in "Tangerine" (2015) with his phone, for budgetary reasons. And by the end of 2017, Michel Gondry had directed a short film, "Détour", commissioned by Apple.

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