PEOPLE EXPRESS: Karine Ferri new mom, Taylor Swift stuck in full concert


PEOPLE – They love each other, they tear each other apart, they reconcile … They annoy us as much as they make us smile. Here is People Express, the news of the stars at full speed. Today we hear from Karine Ferri and Yoann Gourcuff, Taylor Swift and Arnold Schwarzenegger

– Xavier Martinage

What's New has he gone on the planet people these last hours? So, of course, everyone says that all this is futile, that the life of the stars is only superficial and that it does not interest anyone … And yet, everyone, but without really confessing it, is curious to know a little more about the everyday life of the people. You are in the right place, because it's happening here.

The Ferri-Gourcuff couple parents for the second time!

And two for Karine Ferri and Yoan Gourcuff! The host of TF1 and his fellow football player have just welcomed their second child, tells Here . After the little Mael born in 2016, it's a little girl who came to enlarge the family. Called Claudia, she was born on July 14th, National Day. Family moments before the return of "Dance with the stars" and "The Voice"

The first poster of Aquaman unveiled

The fans were waiting for it! The poster of the next film Aquaman, whose theatrical release is scheduled for December 19, has just been unveiled, says the site . The production company, Warner Bros, has created a visual where lead actor Jason Momoa finds himself surrounded by sharks. This sixth film from the film world DC promises already!

Taylor Swift stuck in a stadium

Moment of loneliness for Taylor Swift this Saturday, July 14 in full concert. The pop star found herself stuck in a platform that was supposed to take her from one end to the other of the stadium where she was producing her show, explains New Muscial Epress (NME) . After a few seconds when Taylor Swift took the time to explain to her fans the situation, she decided to resume her a capella songs. The end of the show went off without a hitch

Schwarzenegger pays himself Trump

Donal Trump again under criticism from a celebrity. This time, it is the former actor and governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who attacks his president, takes over TMZ . The former Terminator believes that Trump is at the boot of Putin, stating that he behaved "like a cooked noodle and a fan boy (admirer)." Ambiance.

Romances, weddings, births, divorces … Find all the news of stars in our section People .

Xavier Martinage

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