PHOTO. Laetitia Milot: her tender declaration of love to her husband Badri for their 11 years of marriage


This Saturday, June 30 to celebrate the 11 years of marriage with her husband, Laetitia Milot posted on Instagram a nice family portrait. A mother and a woman filled!

11 years, it is celebrated! This Saturday, June 30 on Instagram, Laetitia Milot wanted to share his happiness with an adorable family portrait but also to celebrate the eleven years of marriage next to her husband Badri . On the posted photograph, the young woman of 37 years holds in her arms the little Lyana with as caption: "After this match of madness #franceargentine we take the break in family to thank you for all your #Wedding Birthday messages # 11years! # 16years of #heart, #peine, #love, #joies, #pleurs, #rires, osmose, proofs, #combat, of #force, #deshautsetdesbas and for our #nocesdecorail we have the most beautiful gift that life has given us, the fruit of our love #Lyana ".

It must be said that the actress of More beautiful life is filled. Nine months ago, her life rocked since she gave birth to a beautiful little girl. For more than 10 years, the actress tried to have a child but suffering from endometriosis, the fight was long and hard. Nevertheless, on May 14th, after a "terrific" pregnancy, she gave birth to little Lyana at the North Hospital of Marseilles.

On June 2nd, in an interview at Paris Match, the young woman was confiding on this important moment in the life of a woman and said she could count on the support of her husband : "Badri was extraordinary, he stayed all the time with me, behind a curtain, he was able to find the right words to calm me, before and during the procedure I always said that endometriosis is a couple's disease that clashes with two, but it's also a disease that destroys the couples Badri and I are among those she has welded ". A couple who came out reinforced by the trials of life

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