PHOTOS – After his rude comments against Kate Middleton, Donald Trump incenses the Queen


On Friday, July 13, Donald Trump and his wife Melania, on an official trip to England, were received by the Queen at Windsor Castle, where they were invited to tea. A meeting eagerly awaited by the American president who praised the Queen's merits in the English press, forgetting, in pbading, the annoying remarks he made to Kate Middleton a few years ago.

This is a very controversial visit to Donald Trump's visit to England. While the British demonstrated in the streets of London against the coming and the politics of the American president under a balloon with his effigy, christened " Trump Baby ", Queen Elizabeth II invited the billionaire and his " first lady " to share a cup of tea in his Windsor Castle. Twelfth President to meet the US sovereign, the uncontrollable Donald Trump was forced to comply with the protocol of the Crown. And this is not an easy task for this man who is not known to have his tongue in his pocket. During his visit to Paris last July, he had flattered the figure of Brigitte Macron's wife. An unthinkable slippage with the royal family. Especially since the American president is at the test. In 2012, he had indeed crumpled the Crown by blaming Kate Middleton for having tanned bad and being photographed by paparazzi, during his vacation in the south of France with Prince William. The Duchess of Cambridge can " blame only herself ," he had tweeted. If he was not yet at the head of the United States at that time, his remarks have not pbaded.

But obviously, this visit was held under the best auspices. And this, probably because Trump admires too much the queen to commit a new odd. This is what he confessed to the English tabloid Sun stating that she is " an incredible woman " whose wife is by the way " a great admirer . " And to continue, " for so many years, she represented her country and she never really made a mistake ".

Photo credits: Backgrid USA / Bestimage

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