Political transition: The development of the army


 Photo: DR

The Deputy Minister of National Defense and Chief of Staff of the Army, Ahmed Gaïd Salah, denies that Algeria is a fighting arena or a race track "for who would like to reap trophies and make infamous personal and individual profits. "

The army's long-awaited position on what is stirring up national political affairs is now well known. By the voice of his Chief of Staff and Deputy Minister of National Defense, Ahmed Gaïd Salah, the military institution is making a severe adjustment to the political clbad. An update that puts an end to speculation about the possible role of the army in the advent of certain political initiatives.

Indeed, in a virulent speech, pronounced Thursday at the ceremony of awarding prizes to the best Bachelors of Army Cadet Schools, the Chief of Staff charges severely all those who call him to interfere in the political game. The Deputy Minister of Defense is first addressing Abderrezak Makri, president of the MSP, who asked the military institution a few days ago to help organize a democratic transition.

"One of the bad practices, even strange, irrational and unacceptable, on the eve of each election, whether for the National People's Congress, or for the Municipal or Wilaya Assemblies, or even for the presidential elections, I say, at the the eve of these important national elections, and instead of trying to get closer to the citizen by giving more importance to its concerns, some people and some parties voluntarily move away from the political exercise, "notes the head of staff of the ANP, which explains that "politics is the ability to adapt to the realities of everyday life". This, he says, "requires a high level of political performance in all circumstances and circumstances."

Neither near nor far

Continuing his speech, Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaïd Salah recalls the position of the PNA already expressed on political issues. He badures that "the National People's Army is an army that knows its limits, or even the framework of its constitutional missions, which can in no way be mixed with the entanglements of parties and policies, or be interfered with in conflicts that do not it is neither close nor far-reaching. "

In his development, the Chief of Staff raked broadly and responded to all the forces challenging the army to badume a political role in ensuring alternation in power. "The National People's Army is an army that draws on the values ​​of November, whose conduct is based on principles, an army that values ​​the hard work and loyal," said Salah, saying that the ANP will stand against all attempt to destabilize and repress any desire to sow disorder and anarchy.

He baderts that the ANP is "an army that will not allow any overtaking causing disorder, and will not allow trouble that could, I say could be considered by certain parties ready to put Algeria in danger, to achieve their ends or to safeguard or realize their abjects personal interests. "

Lieutenant General Ahmed Gaïd Salah qualifies those who want to involve the army in their political projects of "incapable" and "helpless". He denies that Algeria is a fighting arena or a race track "for who would like to reap trophies and make unholy personal and individual profits."

"Useless Reflections"

For Gaid Salah, Algeria is indeed "a land of honest and clean labor (…), a pure land, impregnated with the blood of the chouhada, on which the work must be honest and honest, and for which the people are the impartial judge ". He believes that the army has many noble and important missions to waste its energy "with some useless comments and reflections."

The response of the Chief of Staff does not stop there. He goes on to say that "the army can not be the scapegoat of some incapacitated people, nor the tree that covers the forest with their impotence". He invites parties to rely only on their arms to achieve their political ends. "The tongue with its words and words, as sharp as it may be, can never replace the mighty arms and the honest work."

Allah is a witness of the hidden spirits and the hearts, and the people discern the most honest in the work and the sayings, "he says.
The Deputy Minister of National Defense also calls to order the general secretary of the FLN, Djamel Ould Abbes, who would have sinned by his excessive remarks about the ANP's missions

The only guardian of the AN P

"In spite of this, some proclaimed themselves sponsors of the National People's Army, even his spokesman, omitting or deliberately neglecting, that the National People's Army is an army of the Algerian people, an army in every sense of the term, in terms of glorious history and noble values, and with all that this represents for the present and for the "Let everyone know," he says, "that there is no other guardian for the National People's Army, a worthy heir to the National Liberation Army, than the guidance of His Excellency the Mujahid. Mr. President of the Republic, Supreme Chief of the Armed Forces, Minister of National Defense

An army that watches over and over, and I repeat it once again, it watches with discernment without ever turning a blind eye, and is working with perseverance in accordance with the laws of the Republic, and the provisions of the Algerian Constitution. "The Chief of Staff will go even further by saying that the PNA will take care to counter any attempt to expose the country to disorder and disasters. hostile designs.

"I say this knowing that Algeria's emeritus children, and there are many of them, will carry their country in their hearts, and will safeguard the security of Algeria and maintain the stability of its people, her national sovereignty and independence ", badures the Chief of Staff of the PNA. The military institution, which refuses to make it play a political role, indirectly calls the parties to rely only on themselves if they want to gain power.

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