Polynesia's Bachelors Major received proposals in Paris


Papeete (AFP) – She said she was uncertain about her future as a student because of the lack of a positive response from the schools solicited via Parcoursup: the Bachelors Major of Polynesia actually received proposals, particularly in Paris, which she refused, According to Higher Education.

While Parcoursup, the new university registration platform, has been criticized in recent months, the story of Ranitea Gobrait has been widely commented on social networks and has even led to the government to react, while local Education officials said it would be "received Monday to take stock of his situation."

Polynesia champion of the 800-meter freestyle, the girl, who got her baccalaureate with an average of 20.32 at the end of her S terminal in Papeete, had claimed after these results that she had been refused in the Parisian establishments she wanted, saying that she would remain on the list. Waiting in the Toulouse high school Pierre-de-Fermat for a clbad prepa engineers.

In a statement posted on Twitter the night of Saturday to Sunday, the Ministry of Higher Education pointed out that "it appears from the file of this bachelor that it has received and refused several admission proposals, especially in preparatory clbades for the grandes écoles which she had called for in Paris. "

On the spot in Papeete, the director of the DGEE (Directorate-General for Education and Teaching), Thierry Delmas, explained to AFP that "since May 27, no less than five proposals for integration in preparatory metropolitan clbades, including four in high schools in Paris, have been proposed that it has declined", including Janson-de -Sailly.

"No one should make the slightest judgment on the candidate's choices," added Mr. Delmas, pointing out that the proceedings "were carried out in the very spirit of Parcoursup, that is to say give the choice to the candidates "

According to Mr. Delmas, the girl had" proposals that conformed to her wishes, which went hierarchically to the MPSI (mathematics-physics-engineering sciences), ECS (economic and commercial, option scientific), and PACES "(health studies), including a Paris clbad" renowned "in MPSI.

-" Competition "-

Unlike APB, the previous registration platform in the superior who had undergone an avalanche of critics, there is no more hierarchy of wishes on Parcoursup.

The director of the DGEE recalled that Parcoursup, "it is not the note to the baccalaureate is taken into account, but the the student's two-year record, ie all of his first and final grades, but also a cover letter. "

" So this is an overall record that obviously is excellent for this student. But for the establishments in which she was refused, she was put in competition with such excellent files, which can explain that she did not have this or that establishment, "he explained in a first time.

According to him, "we must be able to try to repropose" the choice she gave up. "If there are other cases of students (in its situation, ed), they must

Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Relations with the Parliament and patron of La République en marche, relayed this information in the night, tweeting: "This brilliant bachelor has received and refused several proposals, especially in clbades prepa called his wishes, in Paris. She may, if she wishes, be accompanied by the Rectorate. "

" The teams of Parcoursup and the vice-rectorate of French Polynesia are naturally available in the event that this candidate would seek support, "also said ministry.

"I find that aberrant. I am not the only one in this case: there are many good students who experience being in Tahiti. The big prepas have left us aside, we the overseas islands (…). I think it's a shame to close the doors like that, we should give ourselves our chance, "regretted Ranitea Gobrait, met after the publication of his brilliant results in the bac

 The Obs

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