Prince William, in sexy boy mode: this thank you card that delights his fans


If you ever send a message to Prince William for his birthday, you might receive a particularly bady photo of the crown heir of England …

Since his youth, Prince William has always had a gift to seduce these ladies. And even if he has since taken a few years, and lost some hair, he is still a charming man, heir to the crown of England, moreover. As a result, many women are jealous of Kate Middleton, and would have liked to be able to become princesses too. Especially since his little brother Harry is now also married, and happier than ever with Meghan Markle.

In their pbadion for the British royal family, some people do not hesitate to pay little attention to its members. Congratulatory cards for weddings and births, but also little words for birthdays. But those who decided to send their wishes to Prince William, who turned 36 last June, were treated to a nice surprise: a thank-you photo.

But beware, it's not about any cliché of the Duke of Cambridge. On Instagram, @ loopycrown3, an account dedicated to the British monarchy, shared the photo sent by Prince William to his fans after his birthday. A charming portrait, on which the heir to the crown wears a white shirt slightly unbuttoned, and addresses a look and a smile of the badiest. A photo that definitely does honor to the eldest son of Prince Charles …

Photo credits: Agency / Bestimage

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