Quinté in Auteuil: The walk of Bergerac


Arrival of the quinté : 11 – 6 – 4 – 10 – 16

Winner of his last three outings including a quinté last month on the big obstacles of Auteuil, Bergerac (n ° 11) confirmed his ascent by imposing himself very easily in the Sunday Quintet. Quickly placed in the back of the animators, he took the best at the entrance to the finish line before increasing his lead as soon as the last hurdle crossed. Away from the winner, Tom Mix (No. 6) takes an easy second place after a constant representation. The tiercé is completed by Ci Blue (No. 4), quickly placed well who managed to overtake on the flat Cayo de Pail (No. 10), author of a good close in the final turn. One of the animators, Santana of Berlais (n ° 16) keeps the 5e place in front Dottore (No. 9) and the favorite, French Riviera (No. 8).

Steavie Doussot pointed to the trifecta in disorder.

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