Raymond Depardon launches a collective for the remuneration of photographers


Every year, the Rencontres d'Arles gives young photographers the opportunity to share their work. A solitary mission, sometimes dangerous and often, poorly paid. "There is a picture on a hundred that is paid on the internet," says Pierre Ciot, President of the society of authors of visual arts and still image.

Aurore Valade exposes for the first time at the Rencontres. In the business for thirteen years, she runs after financing and gives clbades to make ends meet. "I have accumulated a lot of symbolic capital and very little material capital," she says.

Reportage: France 3 Provence-Alpes – H. Bouyé / M. Mouamma


The cry of alarm of photographers

Monday Last, many photographers have sounded a cry of alarm in Liberation, in a tribune signed by independent or members of agencies and collectives (Raymond Depardon, Bernard Plossu, Françoise Huguier, the agency Myop, the collective Tendance Floue) . The petition is online on Change.org.

Photography has never been so good in France, photographers never so bad

The signatories of the tribune

At the inauguration of the Rencontres d 'Arles, its director Sam Stourdzé has announced a remuneration of 500 euros for the individual exhibitions of photographers at the festival.

The proposals of the Minister

For its part, Minister of Culture detailed a device general to put in place. Here are the main points.

  • A photojournalist framework agreement

The Ministry of Culture wishes that the payment of aid to the press be blocked if payment deadlines for photojournalists are not respected, with "framework agreements" for photojournalists and their agencies, "said Nyssen Monday at the opening of the Rencontres de la photographie in Arles. "As of April 1, this year, there were almost half a million euros in unpaid bills, with a payment period of up to 174 days," she said.

  • A systematic pay in the event of exposure

Photographers should also be systematically paid when their photos are exhibited, with "a new system" proposed by October. "It is no longer acceptable that artists are no longer paid by the institutions and cultural events that present their works.This was the practice for years.I think it has no place, "hammered Françoise Nyssen. The Rencontres d'Arles have shown the way this year, paying a fee to all photographers exposed, welcomed the minister.

To make the choice to be an artist must not, in this country, mean systematically make sacrifices

Françoise Nyssen – Minister of Culture

  • The choice of the sale to the agencies [19659012] Each photographer should also be able to "choose whether or not to resell his images to press groups without going through the photographic agency that accompanies him."

    The minister also wants "a discussion to open" between photographers' agencies and news agencies, so that photographers are paid according to broadcast media, especially in cases where a photo is used both for paper and for digital media. "

    Finally, the ministry wants to open a site "concerning the working conditions of the press agencies (…) that they can exercise their activity in rules of fair competition and with the benefit of a better visibility for the photographers". [19659020] [ad_2]
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