really bad … for those who missed them


The brothers gave a show more than a concert, Sunday afternoon, at Les Vieilles Charrues. Return on the crazy success of the rappers who always claim to live a "normal life".

They chain concerts and festivals. "Physically we are dead. " Behind the scenes of the big stage of Vieilles Charrues, two hours before their show (long awaited), the brothers geek on their cell phone. Florian (Bigflo) nibbles Skittles candies. "Yesterday, we were in Switzerland, says Olivio (Oli). And we wake up in Brittany. What makes them stand? "Many buddies come with us on tour, it allows us to live that more quietly.

"We live incredible things"

Because despite this normality that they carry as a standard in their artistic project, their life is not quite normal for three years and their first album, ] The Court of the Great gold record, then platinum, four months after its release.

"It's clear that it does not mean much, we live incredible things, we win a lot silver, but it is spoken in the piece The Normal Life . We are the guys who sometimes still get kicked in a box and, conversely, sometimes we are invited in super VIP! In the artists' space of Les Vieilles Charrues, their friends and their staff play ping-pong while waiting for the concert. "We want to demystify the artist side. Like, yeah, I'm an artist, I need moonlight to write my lyrics ", says Florian

Best friends

An hour later, it's no longer three journalists, but 50,000 festival-goers who have before them the two Toulouse rappers. And it is obvious: if, in interview, they are talkative but wise, on stage, they turn into "best friends" of each of the 50,000 festival-goers. "Real life, huh?

Small winks, arms to the right, arms to the left, to set the mood, it carries on the sun in Britain, "this big yellow thing in the sky". After, they make mount a young festival-goer who takes the microphone and begins to rap (like a real). They cross the human tide to sing in the middle of the public, on a promontory (but where does it come from?). The plain of Kerampuilh looks like a huge holiday colony, with plastic buoys that people are going through. That does not lack air!

The public in madness for BigFlo & Oli. | ARNAUD ROINE / OUEST-FRANCE

Papa on stage

Despite four months at 100%, the brothers get wet and give of their person. This is what the public is waiting for. Of generosity. The one that Bigflo highlights in his little word to Oli, on Facebook, for his 22 years: "When it rains, he says: thin, people are in the rain! When the concert is late, people have waited a lot, the poor. He spends his life thinking about others.

A little later, they invite their dad to the Glenmor stage to sing the song … Papa obviously. A dad of Argentinian origin, who sings in a sunny voice the chorus, in Spanish, of the song. "Cuando miro el espejo, his mis hijos que veo" : when I look at the mirror, it's my sons I see

Potts, brother, Skittles, family. Yes, it looks like something normal. But it was an unforgettable moment for the many fans of the festival. And for Bigflo & Oli, who do not come back from the Breton public, "the hottest audience" !

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