REVIVE – "Dance with the stars 9": last dance for Basile Boli, record for Pamela Anderson and slight accident for Héloïse Martin


ON THE TRACK – This Saturday, October 27, the apprentice dancers met for the fifth time on the floor of Studio 217 with the hope of surviving this evening of all fears. The former OM champion could do nothing in the face-to-face event while the former naïve "Alert Malibu", a package last week, impressed. All the services of the evening, it is by here!

– Delphine DE FREITAS

A week that Camille Combal is looking for the perfect costume. If the host remained sober, the couples of this season 9 of "Dance with the stars" have set the package for this fifth prize. The reason ? A theme both black and scary: the Halloween party. They were still seven to hope to continue the adventure.

Package seven days ago – a first in the history of the show TF1 – Pamela Anderson defended his place in the most beautiful ways. Her Argentinian tango with Adams Family Sauce so seduced the members of the jury that the actress and Maxime Dereymez received the first 10 of the season!

The evening was not as rosy for Basile Boli and Katrina Patchett, eliminated after a face-to-face against Terrence Telle and Fauve Hautot. "I would like to thank from the bottom of my heart all those who voted for us, respect to you, Basil," said the model. Next Saturday, they will need to outdo each other even more to charm judges and viewers.


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