Russian close to NRA charged with spying


Russian citizen Mariya Butina (photo Facebook). – FACEBOOK

On Facebook, she often displayed a rifle in her hand. Mariya Butina, a 29-year-old Russian national, has been arrested for trying to secretly influence US political organizations for the benefit of Russia, including the powerful pro-arms NRA, US justice announced on Monday. 19659003] The announcement came a few hours after the summit between the US and Russian presidents in Helsinki, Donald Trump appeared to exonerate Vladimir Putin of US justice charges on Moscow's interference in the 2016 presidential election.

Mariia Butina is accused of having acted "as an agent of a foreign government official" to "infiltrate political" organizations "with a view to promoting the interests of the Russian Federation", details the act of accusation, which refers to a "militant organization for the right to carry weapons". The young woman did not officially reveal, as required by law, that she worked for the Russian government.

Meeting with son of Donald Trump

Mariya Butina appeared Monday in a court in Washington, DC day after arrest

Entering the United States in 2016 to study at the American University (AU) in the federal capital, she is accused of having worked between 2015 and 2017 for a senior Russian government official , identified by the American press as Alexander Torchine.

This politician and banker close to President Putin is under US sanctions. He is also a "life member" of the National Rifle Association (NRA), the first US arms lobby, largely in favor of the Republican party. In May 2016, Torchine and Butina met with Donald Trump Jr., the eldest son of the US President, at an event organized by the NRA.

"Unofficial channels" of communications

According to the prosecution, Mariia Butina and Alexander Torchine have attempted to develop relations with US politicians to create "informal channels" of communication that could "be used by the Russian Federation to penetrate the national decision-making apparatus."

to attend NRA conferences to establish contacts with Republican officials or to organize "friendship and dialogue" dinners to promote "informal diplomacy" to warm up very tense relations between the two powers.

The Trump administration has been embarrbaded for more than a year by an investigation into Russia's interference in the November 2016 election. The Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller also tries to determine if there was collusion between the Trump campaign team and Russian officials to promote the victory of the Republican candidate. No evidence of collusion was revealed and Donald Trump denounced a "witch hunt".

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