Sandra Muller, on the initiative of #BalanceTonPorc, meets Éric Brion


TELEVISION – Journalist Sandra Muller, who initiated the #BalanceTonPorc movement on social media in October 2017, was invited to TMC's "Daily" set this Thursday, Nov. 1.

As she pulls out a book titled "#Balance Your Pig," she responded to Eric Brion, the man she accuses of having badually harbaded her.

"It's still insane that it's always up to the victim to justify himself, the words he recognizes, I've never compared him to Harvey Weinstein (…) A pig is a pig, I I'm sorry, and the word pig existed before Harvey Weinstein, "explains Sandra Muller.

"Do you agree that Eric Brion is not Harvey Weinstein?" Asks Yann Barthès.

"But of course," she says, "there is no moment in any of my messages or in any of my interventions where I do not compare it, I'm just saying that it actually happened at a time of liberation from the speech and certainly listening (…) I never said he had raped me.There is respect to be in our professions, whether you are a hairdresser, you are butcher … It's not just Hollywood stars and journalists in France, there's a respect to be had between us that does not exist and it's time to introduce it. "

"It's insane that it's always the victim who has to justify himself. "

The journalist Sandra Muller who initiated #BalanceTonPorc responds to Eric Brion and recalls that she never compared him to Harvey

– Daily (@Qofficiel) November 1, 2018

Eric Brion had confided on October 12 on the repercussions of the accusation launched by Sandra Muller, against which he lodged a complaint for defamation.

At the microphone of Europe 1, the former general manager of the chain Equidia had acknowledged to have been "heavy, phantom," and having "badly acted". "I could have denied the facts, as many people have been able to do before, word for word, but I chose to acknowledge that I had made some of the words she puts in my mouth," she said. he explained, acknowledging including having told the journalist who had reparred: "Too bad, I would have made you enjoy all night."

However, he "does not consider harbading" Sandra Muller. "Harbading is repetition, it's not harbadment, I've been a burden," he said, referring to the context of a "boozed evening".

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