Senegal: PDS outraged by Karim Wade's exclusion from electoral lists


The Senegalese Democratic Party intends to react after the exclusion of Karim Wade from the electoral lists. A rejection that deprives Abdoulaye Wade's son of the possibility of running for the next presidential election, since being an elector is now a compulsory sesame for candidacy. The General Elections Directorate has reported that it has implemented the Electoral Code, which prohibits the listing of anyone sentenced to 5 years or more in prison. Karim Wade was sentenced to 6 years in prison for unlawful enrichment.

Sounded, perhaps unprepared, the leaders of the PDS, yet used to react quarter turn, this time put a day to be heard. Babacar Gaye, the party spokesman, believes that Macky Sall uses " the means of the state " to eliminate his political opponents .

" President Macky Sall pursues his plan to be elected for a second term by systematically dismissing all his challengers, in this case Karim Wade "says the opposition politician. He accuses the current head of state of using " the means of the State, the resources of the State, the police, the gendarmerie, justice and even the Ministry of the Interior . "

" Macky Sall Must Disengage "

Within the PDS, two counter-attacks are taking place. The first is legal, Karim Wade's lawyers have 15 days to file their appeal. The second is political, explains Babacar Gaye, who refuses to specify, but believes that any dialogue with Macky Sall is definitely broken.

He " think it's too late to talk about a solution of extended hand ". For him, " Macky Sall must clear because today he is posing a danger to our democracy, our Republic. The Senegalese wish today to reconsider the choice they made in 2012 and, perhaps, to create the conditions for a profound reform of our institutions so that we never live such situations . "

The PDS therefore has a very short time to react. And finds himself virtually, 7 months from the first round of the presidential election, without a candidate.

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