seven bodies recovered, dozens of missing tourists


Seven bodies were fished off the seaside resort of Phuket in southern Thailand, and dozens of Chinese tourists remain missing in the aftermath of the sinking of the "Phoenix" boat.

"Navy rescuers have fished seven bodies", bringing the death toll to eight, said spokeswoman for the province of Phuket, Busaya Jaipiem. A total of 49 people are missing.

49 people still missing

The research carried out by dozens of mobilized divers is concentrated this Friday on the wreck of the boat "Phoenix", which ignored the storm warning in this monsoon season where the Andaman Sea is tumultuous

"We are concentrating our research on the missing of the Phoenix, and we fear they have been trapped in the boat, but I hope that some were able to survive "thanks to" pockets of air, "said Phuket Governor Noraphat Plodthong

More than thirty divers must come down to inspect the wreck of the Phoenix. Four Thai Navy Vessels and One Helicopter Participate in Research

The Thai Navy reported that the Phoenix sank 40 meters below surface, a few kilometers from the coast of Koh He, an island known for its coral formations

Wave 5 meters

The boat, surprised by a storm and a five-meter wave, capsized Thursday with 105 people on board, mainly Chinese pbadengers. He was returning from Koh Racha, a place popular with snorkellers.

A first body of one of the pbadengers, believed to be a Chinese holidaymaker, was released from the sea late Thursday night and brought back island, shortly before stopping searches for the night.

Survivors were collected on a pier in Phuket. Still in shock, some were huddled in blankets. Others were crying or walking, their lifejackets still on their backs.

Storm warning

Other boats were in trouble Thursday in the same area, ignoring the storm warning the public against the risks bad weather at sea, released Wednesday. Two pbadengers from another damaged ship are still missing.

Phuket attracts many foreign visitors, including Westerners and Chinese tourists who make up the bulk of the 35 million people expected this year in Thailand.

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