Sexual assault on a 3rd woman: Harvey Weinstein pleads not guilty


New York – Fallen producer Harvey Weinstein on Monday pleaded not guilty to charges of badual badault on a third woman against him last week, which put him at risk of life imprisonment.

The producer, accused of badual abuse by dozens of women who made him the catalyst for the #MeToo movement, had already pleaded not guilty to the first charges against two other women, announced against him at the end of May by the prosecutor of Manhattan.

" Not Guilty ," the 66-year-old producer told the interrogating judge on Monday at a 15-minute court hearing in Manhattan.

Weinstein, on probation for a million dollars bail and wearing an electronic bracelet since early June, arrived handcuffed, very pale in his dark suit, during this hearing before a packed house.

The prosecutor asked the judge to subpoena Weinstein in Manhattan following the new charges, but the defense obtained that the conditions of his probation remained unchanged.

The " forced badual act " of which he was accused on July 2 goes back to July 2006, on a woman whose identity was not specified.

This charge resulted in three new charges, two of which were badual badault with aggravating circumstances, punishable by a minimum sentence of 10 years in jail and a maximum life sentence.

The two previous indictments, involving two different women, relate to an alleged rape dating back to 2013 and a forced fellatio dating back to 2004.

Since the scandal about the alleged badual abuse of the producer broke out in October, nearly "A hundred women – including stars like Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and Salma Hayek – have claimed to have been harbaded or badually abused by this former Hollywood powerhouse. Suspected facts spread over several decades.

These accusations sparked the anti-harbadment movement #MeToo, which has dropped dozens of men of power accused of badual abuse in all circles and continues today to shake the United States.

Weinstein's lawyer, Ben Brafman, maintains from the beginning that each of these badual relations was " granted ".

" Mr. Weinstein is not a predator, he is not a rapist and I think at the end he will be exonerated ," said the new tenor of the bar on Monday. -york, ensuring he has witnesses and e-mails supporting Weinstein.

" It is the proof beyond reasonable doubt that should be the only way to convict someone (…) If we allow journalists who run after the Pulitzer to decide on the record it could become hopeless "he added.

The lawyer of the third woman, Gloria Allred, specializing in the defense of women victims of badual badault, she denounced the apparent willingness of Brafman to go to trial.

" To try to prove consent, you will have to call Weinstein to testify under oath, which would mean that he would be subject to vigorous cross-examination ," he said. she said in an interposed statement.

" Are you really ready to roll the dice and hope that your client will be able to answer questions under oath?" I doubt that you took this risk "she added.

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