She gets bitten by a shark wanting to take a picture


Katarina Zarutskie is a 19 year old student. She is also a model and blogger traveling to 46,600 subscribers. During her vacation in the Bahamas, she had an idea: dive into the water in the company of nurse sharks to make a dream photo that she can then publish on its social networks. "I saw it as an opportunity to connect with nature," she said at the microphone of ABC.

But not everything went according to plan . Although not known to be aggressive, nurse sharks remain wild animals . Far from being scared, the young woman dived. After a few minutes in the water, a resident encouraged her to relax and lie down. It was then that the young woman was bitten on the arm by a shark before being carried under water .

Underwater hold for several seconds

Nurse student in Miami and follower of water sports, Katarina Zarutskie kept her calm . "I think if a person screams and struggles, it can definitely change the situation." Despite being held underwater for several seconds, she finally cleared. She even had the reflex of keeping her hand out of the water while putting pressure on the wound to prevent blood from spreading and attracting other sharks.

 Katarina Zarutskie published the photo of the bite on his Instagram page.
Katarina Zarutskie published the photo of the bite on his Instagram page.

Quickly out of the sea, she made to cure the bite which will leave him only a scar. Katarina Zarutskie says she did not see the warning sign at the tourist site that said "Sharks can sometimes bite, keep your arms out of the water."

Criticized by Internet users, she responds

Relayed by American social networks and media, her story has rapidly grown. Flooded with comments online, she also received a host of critics . The young woman was notably accused of being too careless and obsessed by her image to the point of wanting to take risks for a photograph . Katarina Zarutskie was forced to disable her account

In response to user reviews, Katarina Zarutskie defended herself: "I know and respect 'ocean,' she says. She also badured that she will "think twice" in the future, and that she learned "a great lesson".

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