Sheila: His homage to his son Ludovic for the first anniversary of his death


It's a sad birthday for Sheila. This weekend, the 72-year-old singer seized social networks to pay tribute to her son Ludovic Chancel on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death. The star's only child died on the night of 7 to 8 July 2017 following an overdose of cocaine and anxiolytics .

On Facebook, the icon of years yéyé has thus published a souvenir photo of his son. On the black and white photograph, Ludovic Chancel is not more than twenty years old. Sheila did not bring a legend but her many fans were moved by her publication, giving her all their support and comfort. " Already a year but what a year! What a sad and difficult year for a mother who has lost her only child! I think you Sheila, I wish you much courage on this sad day ", "[19659004] All my loving thoughts on this sad day I salute your admirable courage and strength of exemplary character in the face of the worst ordeals that a mother can experience "," Beautiful thoughts for your Ludo and for you my Sheila … big kisses ", reads in particular.

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