South Sudan: UN called to rule on arms embargo


United Nations (United States) – The Security Council is called to rule on the imposition of an arms embargo on South Sudan on Thursday, a US proposal that divides its members as the government and rebels come to agree to share power.

An initial draft resolution, seen Tuesday by AFP, underlines " a deep concern " of the UN Security Council " facing the failure of the leaders of South Sudan to put an end to the hostilities and blatant violations "of a ceasefire agreement and of free humanitarian access" concluded in 2015.

South Sudan has been in civil war since 2013. Saturday, belligerents agreed to share power, giving rebel leader Riek Machar a vice-president position.

US draft law establishes arms embargo until 31 May 2019 for South Sudan It authorizes UN Member States to destroy or neutralize any cargo of weapons prohibited under the embargo.

The document, which renews for a year a general sanctions regime imposed on South Sudan, includes an annex providing for individual measures (g badets, travel ban) for five South Sudanese officials or former officials accused of blocking a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Kuol Manyang Juuk, Minister of Defense, Malek Reuben Riak, former Deputy Chief of Staff, Martin Elia Lomuro, Minister, Michael Makuei Lueth, Minister of Information and Paul Malong Awan, former Chief of Staff who became an opposition leader.

In the Security Council, several countries, including Russia, China and Ethiopia plead not to strengthen the general sanctions regime so as not to jeopardize the mediation led by the regional organization Igad and which led to Saturday's agreement.

On the other hand, the United States and its European allies emphasize the fragility of the agreement and consider it necessary to maintain maximum pressure to advance towards peace, according to diplomats.

To be adopted, a resolution must have at least nine votes out of the 15 votes of the Security Council and not be vetoed by one of its five permanent members. The position of Moscow and Beijing was not known Tuesday.

At the end of May, the Security Council had threatened belligerents with sanctions if a term was not put to civil war.

South Sudan gained independence from Sudan in 2011 with the support of the United States, but Washington is increasingly impatient at the management of President Salva Kiir. The country sank into the war in December 2013 when Kiir accused his ex-prime minister Riek Machar of fomenting a coup.

The conflict has left tens of thousands dead, nearly four million displaced and caused a major humanitarian crisis.

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