Spider and Minotaur will get out of their sleep and wake up the city for four days


The spider Kumo, aka Ariane, will walk the streets of the Rose City from 1 to 4 November, alongside the Minotaur. – SEBASTIEN SALOM-GOMIS / SIPA

  • "The Guardian of the Temple", the last urban show in four acts of the company La Machine, will be played in the streets of the Rose City from 1 to 4 November.
  • After the elephant of Nantes, thousands of spectators will discover the Minotaur of Toulouse, an impressive machine of 47 tons.
  • After the show in town, place the next weekend, from 9 to 11 November at the inauguration of the machine hall that hosts the mechanical bestiary of the company.

For several weeks, the Pink City has been rustling with her arrival. And, from Thursday, hundreds of people will converge to the city center to discover The Guardian of the Temple, the latest addition to La Machine.

Transformed into a theater stage, Toulouse will see the impressive Asterion parading for four days. This minotaur, half man and half bull, composed of 46 tons of wood and steel, will live a real epic through the streets, guided by Ariane, a spider equally gigantic.

The arrival of these giant machines is not a coincidence if we believe François Delarozière, the one who gave them life, just like the myth that surrounds them.

A myth and a scene in four acts

"When we dug the first line of the metro, twenty-five years ago, a prophecy discovered on a stone was found and we have decrypted it. Fifty equinoxes later, the guardian of the ancient temple, remained underground for thousands of years, will reappear the waters of the Garonne and appear in the city center of Toulouse is a maze, "says the director of the company that plants the very poetic decor.

The famous spider of the company @lamachinefr made its first outing on the historical track of Aéropostale, now known as # PistedesGéants at #Toulouse pic.twitter.com/IbMBaWqg6Z

– Hall of the Machine (@Halle_LaMachine) September 24, 2018

His bestiary of giant machines will only have to do the rest. Anyone will be able to approach and follow from day to day the history of this piece in four acts whose details are presented in a booklet published with 100,000 copies.

To find one's way around the maze and follow the Minotaur's track, spectators will have to take precautions because they will not be the only ones who want to see "The Guardian of the Temple".

? More than 1 week before #LeGardienduTemple ! An extraordinary show for 4 days in the streets of #Toulouse by the company @LaMachinefr. The booklet of the show is online: discover the history, schedules and departure zones of the scenes ? https://t.co/micND8VQKi pic.twitter.com/IA9c9m4R1D

– Toulouse City Hall ??♂️ (@Toulouse) October 26, 2018

Traffic should be temporarily complicated in some places, as well as access to the city center car parks.

To encourage people from all over the region to converge on Toulouse by public transport, the SNCF is offering TER tickets for half price.

See you at the Halle the following weekend

For those who are not there from November 1st to 4th, they will be able to catch up the following week. Known in Nantes for his more impressive creations than others, François Delarozière will now make his mark on the Pink City year-round.

Installed at Montaudran, the Machine Hall, which overlooks the Giant's Trail, from which flew the pioneers of Aeropostale, will be officially inaugurated the following weekend, from 9 to 11 November.

? #AlerteBonPlan

?The machines invade Toulouse from November 1st to 4th! #TEROccitanie take you to see the show #LeGardienDuTemple.?️?️
?Also attend the exhibition #HalleDeLaMachine from 9 to 11 November in Montauban where you will find the mechanical giants. ?️

– SNCF TER OCCITANIE (@TER_Occitanie) October 26, 2018

A "herd of 200 machines" and nearly 2,000 items will be presented to the general public. The more adventurous can even travel by minotaur in the neighborhood.

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