Stormy Daniels, who claims to have had an affair with Donald Trump, arrested in a strip club


The badgraphic actress Stormy Daniels, currently in legal dispute with Donald Trump, was arrested on Wednesday for a minor offense, an arrest on "political grounds", according to her lawyer.

Accused of allowing a customer to touch her. Stormy Daniels, who says he had an affair with Donald Trump, which he denies, was arrested at an Ohio striptease club where she was presenting a number that she has already shown in a hundred clubs in the United States, said his lawyer, Michael Avenatti, on Twitter. The reason for the interpellation is that it would have allowed a club client to touch her – in a non-badual way – while she was on stage.

Just rcvd word that my client @StormyDaniels was arrested in Columbus Ohio all over the nation at nearly a hundred strip clubs. This was a setup & politically motivated. It reeks of desperation. We will fight all bogus charges. #Basta

- Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) July 12, 2018

She was arrested for allegedly allowing a customer to touch her while on stage in a non-badual manner! Are you kidding me? They are devoting law enforcement resources to sting operations for this? There has to be higher priorities !!! #SetUp #Basta

- Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) July 12, 2018

The "phony accusations". "It's a political coup, it shows (the other side) is hopeless, we'll fight these phony accusations," said Avenatti. "They have a force of law enforcement to mount an operation like this, there must still be other priorities !!!", he added. He also explained that he expected the stripper to be released "shortly" on bail, and to be charged with a simple misdemeanor.

An agreement never signed by Donald Trump. Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is trying to get a cancellation in an agreement signed in 2016, for which she received $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence on the relationship she had with Donald Trump in 2006. This agreement was pbaded just before Trump's election to the presidency in 2016, and it was Donald Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, who paid the money. The bad actress is now asking for the cancellation of this agreement, invalid according to her since it was never signed by Donald Trump.

$ 130,000 paid by the lawyer. Donald Trump denies having an affair with her, and Michael Cohen initially claimed to have paid out of his pocket the $ 130,000, and not to have been reimbursed by Donald Trump. He later admitted having paid off his lawyer.

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