stripper Stormy Daniels arrested for "touching" on customers


The woman currently in litigation with Donald Trump quickly saw the prosecution be dropped by the courts

Stormy Daniels still makes her talk, without her knowledge. The badgraphic bad actress in legal dispute with Donald Trump was arrested on the night of Wednesday, July 11 to Thursday, July 12 at a strip club in Ohio where she was performing, police said. Prosecuted for "illegal badual activity" because of "touching" on clients, she was first released after paying a bond of approximately $ 6,000 (approximately 5,100 euros), then she saw the prosecution against him being dropped.

"During her performance, after taking off her top and exposing her bads, she began forcing the clients' heads into her chest and using her bare bads to slap clients " according to a police report broadcast by local media. An Ohio law prohibits employees who regularly appear "naked or half-naked on the premises of a bad-based business" from being touched or from reaching club customers unless They are not members of their immediate family.

Among the guests present that evening were several police officers. They came closer to the scene after observing "criminal activity" . And Stormy Daniels then reproduced similar acts on two police officers, including a woman, according to the authorities. The X-film actress then moved closer to a third member of the police force. The police document then describes "touching" on the "gluteus" and the "chest" then a repetition of gestures similar to the performance practiced on the two previous police officers

For his part, the lawyer Stormy Daniels delivers a different version, describing several police "infiltrated" "asking" to be affected. "The police set up a trap in the strip club" he said in an interview with MSNBC. "It's a coup for political reasons, he badured on Twitter. It shows (that the other side) is desperate, we will fight these bogus accusations." [19659007] Just rcvd word that my client @StormyDaniels was arrested in Columbus Ohio all over the nation at nearly a hundred strip clubs. This was a setup & politically motivated. It reeks of desperation. We will fight all bogus charges. #Basta

– Michael Avenatti (@MichaelAvenatti) July 12, 2018

A few hours later, the lawyer announced that he had abandoned the lawsuit against his client "in their ".

Stormy Daniels, whose real name is Stephanie Clifford, is attempting to seek the cancellation of an agreement signed in 2016, for which she received $ 130,000 in exchange for her silence. the confidentiality agreement was pbaded just before Donald Trump's election as President paid the money. Donald Trump subsequently admitted having reimbursed his lawyer.

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