the bachelor major "keeps her vows" in Parcoursup


The Bachelors of Polynesia arrived major and who said to have been refused in the Parisian institutions she wanted via Parcoursup, "keeps her wishes and remains in the process Parcoursup", announced Monday the Directorate General of Education and Teachings (DGEE), in French Polynesia

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After a meeting Monday morning, between the girl, her the family, the vice-rectorate and Thierry Delmas, the director of the DGEE, the latter told AFP that they had taken together the decision to no longer communicate on this case, to protect the high school girl.

The The story of 18-year-old Ranitea Gobrait, who obtained an average of 20.32 at the end of her S term in Papeete, made some noise when it turned out that, contrary to her first statements, she had received and refused several proposals Admissions, especially in preparatory clbades for the grandes écoles that she had called for in Paris

"Since May 27, no less than five proposals for integration into metropolitan preparatory clbades, including four in high schools in Paris, it has been proposed that they all declined ", including Janson-de-Sailly, said Sunday, Thierry Delmas.

The high school student, who is also champion of Polynesia 800-meter freestyle, in particular 20 out of 20 in philosophy, 20 in history, 20 in math, 20 in physics-chemistry, 20 in English, 20 in Mandarin, 20 in Spanish, and 20 in swimming. Its only small differences: a 15 in TPE, an 18 in sport, and a 17 in SVT.

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