The British Charlie Rowley poisoned at Novitchok has regained consciousness


London – Britain's Charlie Rowley, 45, hospitalized in critical condition for 10 days after being exposed to Novitchok's innervating agent, has regained consciousness, Salisbury Hospital (south-west England) where he is treated.

" We have seen a slight but significant improvement in the condition of Charlie Rowley, who is in critical but stable condition and is now conscious ," the hospital said in a statement.

" Although this is good news, we are not out of the woods yet Charlie is still very sick and needs specialized care 24 hours a day here at Salisbury Hospital ", the statement added.

Charlie Rowley's companion, Dawn Sturgess, also poisoned at Novitchok, died Sunday night.

The main hypothesis of the police is that the incriminated poison is linked to the attack wiped out with the same powerful neurotoxic agent at the beginning of March by former Russian double agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia at Salisbury.

The police were still trying to find out on Tuesday " when and where " the former homeless couple was exposed to " a heavy dose " from Novitchok, possibly after manipulated a contaminated object. She was combing several places he had visited, in Salisbury and the nearby town of Amesbury, where Charlie Rowley had an apartment.

The Dawn Sturgess family, 44 years old, said Tuesday " wiped out " by the death of this mother.

" Dawn will always be remembered as a good soul, generous sometimes to the point of excess ," said his family in a statement issued by British police.

" She would have done anything for anyone, and those who knew Dawn know she would have given her last penny to someone in need ," she said. she added, speaking for the first time since her death.

" She had her heart on her hand ," she continued, asking " stop speculating on Dawn and what happened to him ".

Sturgess died after eight days of hospitalization and her death resulted in the initiation of an investigation for murder.

Originally from Durrington, southwestern England, she had three children, an 11-year-old girl, and two boys, 19 and 23 years old.

Hopitalized in critical condition, Yulia and Sergei Skripal were able to leave the hospital after several weeks of care.

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