"The day my meeting with Johnny Hallyday changed my life"


In 2003, after the show "Popstars", my first single, "Entre nous", is in the bins. The adventure is already incredible to me. And yet, this is only the beginning!

That summer, my first album was numbered sales when Johnny's manager, Jean-Claude Camus, approached me for the future stadium tour of the star . I go to talk to my father. He is a fan of the first hour, he has all his vinyls. He warns me, "You should not do it, it's too much of a joke. He's worried I'll get a beating from the top of my 20s. On my side, everything mixes. I understand my father's doubts, but I do not want to regret anything. I'm stressed, but I want to start. Thin, how to refuse to sing with Johnny? I finally accept the tour.

Read also: The last months of Johnny Hallyday, told by his manager

First step: rehearsals. I'm heading to the Parc des Princes in Paris. I see Johnny! He just repeated all day, he is tired. Jean-Claude tells him he has to sing with me. At this moment, I am in the mode "excuse me to exist". Johnny refuses. Then he gives in under the pressure of Camus. We start singing "I promise you". Everyone stops to listen to us and especially, for the first time, Johnny looks me right in the eyes. The session ends with a "you worked well", but also by a shared cigarette. We discuss my beginnings in the profession. Generous, Johnny listens to me and is interested in my story. He seems happy with our meeting, I am so relieved! Quickly, let the tour begin!

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Here we are in September. For the first night, in Bordeaux, I turn like a caged lion, terrified, in my hotel room. I do not want to disappoint him. Above all, I have to sing with him in front of 70,000 people. But this adventure is much more than that. I get to know the giant in his privacy. I remember the melon ice cream, the dinner at the restaurant in Corrèze, this picture that Jacques Chirac wanted to do with both of us … Johnny never cheats. Off the scene, I have the chance to see him as he really is: more shy, more reserved. This tour is also an electroshock. Thanks to him, I learn in an accelerated way all the tricks of the trade. It's better than Star Academy! Thanks to him, I was not afraid to go on stage. I can thank him for all he has brought me and for his affection. I planned to go on a solo tour at the end of the concerts. Johnny then gives a word to one of my singers. It contains encouragement that I will never forget and is signed, simply: "I love you, Johnny. I always keep him close to me.

"I tried to live six years in Paris to create landmarks, make friends and live without my family, but impossible! So I went back down to the south of France. That's where my essential is. I even met my fiance. »

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