the ECHR condemns Russia for failures in the investigation


The sponsors of the murder of journalist Anna Politkovskaya, shot dead in Moscow 12 years ago, have never been identified.

Russian investigative journalist Anna Politkovskaya was killed in the lobby of her Moscow building on 7 October 2006. Five men, including four Chechens, were convicted of murder and sentenced to long prison terms, but the sponsor has never been identified by the courts

Possible appeal within three months Seized by the journalist's family, the European Court of Human Rights sentenced Russia on Tuesday for failing to investigate. The ECHR charges Moscow with a violation of the "right to life". In respect of non-pecuniary damage, Russia will have to pay 20,000 euros to the mother, sister and children of Anna Politkovskaya, whose articles criticized, among other things, the Kremlin's policy in Chechnya. This judgment may be appealed within three months.

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