The fights against Daesh should still last at least "2 or 3 months", according to the French army


A vehicle of the international anti-Daesh coalition in Syria, June 5, 2018. – Delil souleiman / AFP

They would only hold a territory badessed at "30 kilometers out of 10". The fighting of the international coalition against the last Daesh fighters in the Euphrates valley in Syria is expected to last at least two or three months, according to the commander of the French forces in the coalition, General Frederic Parisot.

The zone still controlled by Daesh is located in the Euphrates Valley, between the cities of Hajin and Boukamal, in the province of Deir Ezzor (east), said General Parisot during a teleconference with Pentagon journalists, badessing the number of remaining Daesh fighters to "a few hundred."

"In the coming weeks, we hope to get rid of this base," added the military official, who represents France at the command of the international anti-IS coalition under American leadership. "It will be the end of all Daesh-owned or Daesh-controlled territory," he added.

"We want to make sure we kill them all"

Once the physical existence of the As the ex-caliphate of ISIS in Syria and Iraq is completely eliminated, the forces of the international coalition against IS will remain on the ground to ensure that the jihadists can not reorganize themselves, he added. In cooperation with the Iraqi Army and the Syrian Democratic Forces – a coalition of Arab-Kurdish fighters allied with the United States in Syria – "we want to make sure that they can not regroup again."

there will obviously be a transition, a slow transition, "he added. "All this will not happen overnight." "An IS fighter is a fighter too," he continued. "We want to make sure we kill them all." The jihadist group has been driven out of most of the vast territories it conquered in 2014 in Iraq and Syria.

Jihadists, however, retain a presence in the south-west, where they are targeted by regime raids Syrian and his Russian ally. Cells are also active in Idleb province (northwestern Syria) and in the desert in Iraq, on the border with Syria. Meanwhile, the international coalition announced on Tuesday that six leaders and organizers of Daesh linked to attacks in Europe and Saudi Arabia have been killed recently in Syria.

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