The last member of an Amazonian tribe filmed in the forest


The last member of an Amazonian tribe was filmed cutting wood. – Screenshot Youtube / Funai

After spending more than twenty years without giving any sign of life, the last representative of an Amazonian tribe was filmed cutting wood in the forest , reports Euronews . The images were put online Wednesday, July 18 by the National Indian Foundation (
Funai), the Brazilian government agency in charge of the defense of indigenous peoples.

The man is said to be about fifty years old. According to local authorities, he has been living alone for more than 22 years in an indigenous reserve in western Brazil, not far from the border with Bolivia.

A hermit's life after the mbadacre of his community

On the images captured by the Funai, he is seen naked in the forest, cutting wood with a machete.

For years, the man lived alone. All the other members of his tribe were killed in 1995 during an attack by peasants. "The latter mbadacred the members of his small community, which at the time was estimated to be six people. The killers have never been punished, " Euronews .

The Brazilians call him" the Indian of the hole "

The lone native was spotted in 1996 by the local population. Some residents have already tried to contact him, without success. They call him the "Indian of the Hole," a name they attributed to him after noticing that he was digging cavities in the earth, then filling them with woodpeckers to trap his prey. [19659006] According to Euronews the man would also hunt "wild pigs, birds and monkeys with his bow."

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