The last season of Game of Thrones will be released in the first half of 2019


It's official, the end of the series will fall between January 1 and June 30, 2019.


This year, HBO opened the ball at the Television Critics Association (TCA), where US journalists cover the programming of US channels and platforms. Needless to say, expectations for Casey Bloys, the programming director and spokesman for HBO, were very high and the man did not disappoint. Between the return of True Detective the new SF series of J.J. Abrams and the adaptation of Watchmen by Damon Lindelof, all the seriesphiles held their breath. Finally, Casey Bloys broke the ice at the outset by specifying the release date of the Game of Thrones .

Thus, the season 8 of the show will be broadcast during the first half of 2019, to be understood between January 1st and June 30th. HBO could close the loop by scheduling the season premiere in April, date of release of the pilot in 2011. Casey Bloys was very vague about the subject, simply promising a last season "rather

In addition, he confirmed the filming of the prequel in the hands of the screenwriter Jane Goldman ( Kick-Ass, Kingsman ) for early 2019, contrary to what had been announced by Belfast Telegraph . The team behind the spin-off is still looking for a director and casting.

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