The little sentence of Julie Gayet on François Hollande mocked in the press


The remark could have seemed trivial and yet it makes react the press as well as the Internet users. After a comment on the possible return to politics of François Hollande, Julie Gayet sees his mocked remarks online.

Initially, Julie Gayet had agreed to talk with the Parisian to talk about the shooting of its last series in date, Suspicions soon diffused on France 3 . During the discussion, the actress however agreed to discuss the situation of her companion, François Hollande. After praising the quality of his humor, Julie Gayet released a sentence a priori innocuous about the former President of the Republic: " What is important today, and I see it when we fate is that there is a real wait, many people are hoping for his return. If it could have gone unnoticed, the sentence has made more than a journalist and a surfer jump. Very quickly, she was mocked online. Shortly after, the magazine The Point decided to conduct a survey about it.

The question of Point to its readers is simple: " Think like Julie Gayet that 'many people are hoping for the return of François Hollande' (19459007) ". The answer is just as well: NO at 89.4% and YES at only 10.6%. A score without appeal. The public does not seem so excited about this to find his former head of state. The project of a return to politics by 2022 could therefore be compromised for François Hollande. It is also not the first time that the ambitions of the former president do not align perfectly with those of public opinion. Out of the Elysee with popularity between 15% and 22%, the former first secretary of the Socialist Party was then the most unpopular President of the Fifth Republic. " We have a minority Hollande in all socio-demographic segments, including the key segments on the left ", indicated at the time in JDD Frédéric Dabi, the Deputy Director General of Ifop. Asked if he could have beaten Emmanuel Macron by running for a second term in the 2017 election, François Hollande answered: " I could have but I did not want to! ".

???? (The point)

– Dominique LUNEL (@DominiqueLUNEL) July 31, 2018

Credits: Depoilly Xavier / ANDBZ / ABACA

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