the man with the longest nails in the world had them cut


He held a world record as unusual as it was confusing. An Indian who had not cut the nails of his left hand for more than sixty-six years decided to separate on Wednesday, July 11, reports Ouest-France . The 82-year-old Shridar Chillal entered the Guinness World Records with nails nearly eight meters tall, The Guardian .

But four years after entering the annals, the octogenarian has decided to move on. His nails had thickened and hardened over the decades to the point of resembling spiraling horns. In order not to do things halfway, Shridar Chillal had them cut off during a ceremony held in a New York museum. A circular saw was necessary to separate it from his nails: the latter will now be exhibited in the New York museum specializing in unusual objects.

According to the octogenarian, his desire to grow nails had come after a teacher's remark when he was a young teenager. Shridar Chillal would have accidentally broken a nail of his teacher: the latter then explained to him that he could not understand the attention that was necessary not to break a fingernail.

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