The Open Arms ship with 60 migrants on board arrived in Barcelona


 The boat of the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms, with migrants rescued off Libya arrives in Barcelona, ​​Spain, July 4, 2018 / AFP

The boat of the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms, with migrants rescued off Libya arrives in Barcelona, ​​Spain, July 4, 2018 / AFP

The boat of the Spanish NGO Proactiva Open Arms, with 60 migrants rescued off Libya on board, is arrived Wednesday in Spain, in the port of Barcelona, ​​after being refused by Italy.

Entered a little before 9:00 GMT in the port of the Catalan capital, the Open Arms docked in Spain two and a half weeks after the arrival of the Aquarius and its 630 migrants, landed in Valencia on June 17 after being for a week at the center of tensions in Europe on migration policy.

After a four-day crossing of the Mediterranean, the 60 migrants – 50 adult men, 5 women and 5 minors have 3 unaccompanied – of 14 different nationalities were examined aboard by three teams of the Red Cross. Descended from the ship to be identified by the authorities, they were then transferred to shelters.

 Members of the NGO Proactiva Open Arms invest the statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona, ​​July 4, 2018 / AFP [19659002] Members of the NGO Proactiva Open Arms invest the statue of Christopher Columbus in Barcelona, ​​July 4, 2018 / AFP </p>
<p> "The (health) state of all was good enough," said a spokesman </p>
<p> "They are happy because they were told that the government wanted them to come here," said Anabel Montes, chief of mission of Proactiva Open Arms. </p>
<p> welcomed the Aquarius mid-June, the new Spanish Socialist government of Pedro Sanchez agreed to open the port of Barcelona to the migrants of the Open Arms, also refused by Italy and its Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini ( League, far right). </p>
<p> "We did not save 60 people, we let die "others" and others will die in the next days. Since we left (from the area off Libya), there is no longer any boat (NGO) in the area, "said Proactiva Open Arms founder Oscar Camps. </p>
<div clbad=
 migrants rescued off Libya aboard NGO Open Arms boat, 2 July 2018 / AFP

Migrants rescued off Libya aboard Open Arms NGO boat, 2 July 2018 / AFP

Nearly 180 migrants have died or disappeared since Friday in the Mediterranean, according to a count based on figures provided by the Libyan Coast Guard.On Friday, the bodies of three babies were rescued and a hundred people, including women and children missing after shipwreck

Last week, the ship of the German NGO Lifeline landed in Malta with 233 migrants on board after a week-long odyssey marked also by strong tensions.

Tuesday, another ON German G, Sea-Watch, had announced that his boat, the Sea-Watch 3, had been immobilized in the port of Malta by the Maltese authorities. On Wednesday, the German badociation announced to AFP that Malta this time blocked the ground reconnaissance aircraft, the Moonbird.

"This is obviously to prevent rescues at sea," said AFP Sea-Watch spokesman Ruben Neugebauer

After weeks of tension, EU leaders on Friday reached a compromise that proposes the creation of "landing platforms" of migrants outside of the EU to dissuade the crossings of the Mediterranean


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