the ordeal of a girl raped for weeks by several men


Indian police arrested 17 men suspected of raping an 11-year-old girl for weeks in a residential complex in the south of the country.

Seventeen men suspected of raping an 11-year-old girl for weeks were arrested in southern India, local police said on Tuesday, a resounding case of badual violence in the country. The minor, who suffers from hearing problems, was reportedly badually badaulted in a largely desert residential complex in Chennai, the capital of Tamil Nadu State (south). Among those arrested were security guards from the 300-unit apartment complex, a plumber and an elevator steward, police reported.

Investigators say the 66-year-old elevator was the first to pick on the girl as she was coming home from school and cycling around the building. He would then have invited other men to follow him, who filmed themselves violating the child. The alleged torturers allegedly administered drugs and sedatives to the victim. "We are only at the beginning of the investigation and we have to go deeper to find out the details," a police officer from Chennai told AFP.

See also: Death sentences confirmed for rapists of "the daughter of India"

According to local press reports, the suspects reportedly took the minor to various areas of the complex, such as the basement, the terrace, the gym and public toilets, to rape her. The girl eventually confided in her family, who seized the police.

19,000 reported rapes in India in 2016

Some 19,000 rapes of minors were reported in India in 2016, according to statistics of the government. Experts believe, however, that this figure represents only the tip of the iceberg, because of the culture of silence that prevails in this very patriarchal society.

The South Asian giant was shaken early year by the rape and murder of an eight-year-old Muslim girl by Hindu villagers in the north of the country.

This event provoked a heated social debate in India and prompted the government to introduce the death penalty for rape of children under the age of 12.

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