the serious fault recognized by the labor courts


The board ruled in favor of the production company of the game show Sony Pictures Television. However, the former host of France 2, who received 45,000 euros in damages and the requalification of 144 CDD CDI, intends to appeal.

The tribunal des prud'hommes of Paris issued its decision on Friday. Clarity of the presentation of Z'amours Following a joke on domestic violence, Tex claimed the production company of the game show Sony Pictures Television 1.2 million euros for "abusive break contract on the basis of an average salary of 27,750 euros per month. According to our colleagues of L'Express the former leader finally got 45,000 euros in compensation and 1,000 euros in legal fees. A very small compensation compared to the amounts claimed: namely 24 months of wages, or 666,000 euros, plus other allowances.

For seventeen years, Jean-Christophe Le Texier, his real name, has accumulated 144 fixed-term contracts. The tribunal des prud'hommes acknowledged that the request for requalification under an indefinite contract was justified. Nevertheless, he ruled in favor of the production company and confirmed the serious misconduct which led to the termination of the contract.

"We will appeal. This decision has no legal coherence. Systematically, at the prud'hommes, when you make substantial requests of several hundreds of thousands of euros, or you get a tie, or you have a symbolic sum. It was predictable. The production company was wrong, it did not respect the law, we will obtain compensation before the court of appeal. ", Confided Me Jeremy Assous, lawyer Tex.

Reminder, invited end 2017 in It was that of television on C8, Tex had created the discomfort by proposing a riddle which had not made the viewers laugh. "Guys, do you know what is said to a woman who already has both black eyes? We do not tell him anything any more, we have already explained him twice, "he had let go. Judging the joke "unworthy and disrespectful," Marlene Schiappa, secretary of state for equality between women and men, had seized the CSA before France 2 decided to separate from the host.

Finally during his audition last May, Tex was caught in the bag recording the audience with his smartphone, which is formally prohibited and punishable by law. After ascertaining that the recording had been erased, the president of the court had decided to close the incident.

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